Parsley blooms and now? “You should definitely pay attention to that!

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When does parsley bloom?

Parsley is a perennial herbwhich begins to bloom in the second year. The main flowering period is June and July.

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Shortly before flowering, parsley is particularly aromatic. To harvest Get as many leaves as possible before the plants start to bloom.

This is especially true if you want to use the parsley as a natural remedy.

Do not eat parsley after flowering!

As soon as the parsley has developed flowers, you should not use any more leaves from the plant - not even as a decoration for food.

Anyway, parsley should only be used in small quantities as a herb, because it is a lot poisonous apiol contains. After flowering, the proportion is so high that consumption can be harmful to health.

Doctors recommend that pregnant women avoid consuming parsley entirely to prevent premature births. After flowering, mothers-to-be should not eat parsley under any circumstances.

The seeds are also poisonous

The seeds of parsley are so poisonous that they were even used for abortions in the past. The concentration of apiol and essential oils is then so high that consumption triggers contractions in the uterus.

Tear up parsley plants

When the parsley has flowered, let the plants stand until seeds have formed from the flowers. You can use it for the Propagate parsley.

After harvesting the seeds, tear up the plants and use the bed to grow other vegetable or ornamental plants for the next year.

Parsley is incompatible with itself. Sow or plant them in a different location the next year. Only after at least three years does the herb flourish again on the harvested bed.

Tips & Tricks

There's no point simply tearing out the parsley's flowers. Since the leaves of the plant contain too much poisonous apiol even without flowers, you should generally not use the herb after flowering.
