Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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The water requirement

In summer it is relatively humid in the homeland of Montbretia. That is why the warmth-loving garden beauties also need sufficient moisture in our latitudes. In contrast to the wild forms, the re-bred Montbreti tolerate calcareous water very well, so that you do not necessarily have to resort to rainwater for regular watering. Water the montbreti whenever the surface of the soil feels dry. This may also be necessary twice a day on hot summer days.

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  • How is Montbretia properly overwintered?
  • Which location do Montbretia prefer?
  • When do montbretians bloom?

When is fertilization carried out?

During the flowering period, the Montbretie lots of nutrients. Fertilize You should therefore plant outdoors in early summer before flowering with a Slow release fertilizer for flowering plants. The winter cover with nutrient-rich compost and the submerging of humus into the earth. If you have cultivated the Montbreti in the bucket, you should provide the plants with liquid fertilizer on a weekly basis.

Transplant regularly

Since Montbretia is one of the strong eaters, it is advisable to move them to a new place every three to four years.

Do Montbretians need to be cut?

After flowering, the dead shoot should be cut out. If the Montbretians overwinter outdoors, the foliage is not cut in autumn, because it serves as a natural protection against the cold. Cut Do this only in the spring.

Winter in Montbretia

Montbretia are conditional hardy. Depending on the climate in your region, you can overwinter the flowering plants outdoors, well protected by thick leaves or a layer of mulch. In regions where there is a threat of deep frosts, you should dig up the tubers in autumn and store them indoors.

Bugs and diseases

Mice love montbretia tubers. Plant baskets in which you put the bulbs help against the hungry rodents. Occasionally, the Montbreti are attacked by thrips (cystic feet). An infestation with aphids is rather rare.


Since montbretia are very sensitive to waterlogging, you should introduce a drainage layer of sand or gravel into the planting hole when planting. Excess water can drain away quickly and root rot is avoided.

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