When, how and why?

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the Olive willow species are considered pruning-compatible trees. They tend to form long, rod-like shoots that should be shortened regularly so that better branching is achieved. Not only topiary pruning of the young plants, but also thinning and tapering pruning can be used in the olive pastures. In general, however, the annual pruning measures required for many trees are - with the exception of Olive willow hedges - not necessarily required.

also read

  • Most olive willows are hardy, some are evergreen
  • Not all olive willow species are hardy
  • Not all olive pastures are suitable as a hedge

Cut time

It is cut after flowering. Since different types of oleaginous bloom at different times, the necessary pruning measures can be carried out between June and October. The best time to rejuvenate is in February or March before the new leaves emerge. It is sufficient if it is cut every two or three years. The hedges are cut annually in June. The pruning should preferably be done on an overcast day.


The young plants are initially made to branch better by shortening the long shoots and give the shrub a bushier appearance and the desired shape. Around the 3rd The shrubs can be cut back by a third in the year in which they are standing.

Clearance cut

The one common in ornamental and useful trees Clearance cut can also be used on olive pastures. Essentially, you limit yourself to the following steps:

  • take out unfavorable inward-growing shoots,
  • unbranched, stronger shoots either cut in half or cut off directly at the base,
  • Shorten old, bald, damaged shoots close to the ground.

Taper cut

A radical cut is possible in the case of olive pastures that have grown too large. However, it is better to spread the rejuvenation evenly over several years. For this, depending on the size of the plant, 2-3 older branches are cut out annually to make room for the young shoots. The remaining shoots are shortened by a third.


The cut off shoots of the oil pasture can be used for reproduction, which takes place in the oil pastures by means of so-called head cuttings.