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Are pears suitable for freezing?

When it comes to freezing pears, opinions differ widely. The changes that the frozen pear goes through in the freezer are the key point for different recommendations.

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Basically, pears can be frozen. But if you want to take a hearty bite into one of the pears weeks later, you will certainly be disappointed. The sub-zero temperatures have changed the consistency of the pulp. It has become soft, if not to say mushy. Instead of a fruity fruit salad, the pear is now more suitable for a delicious puree.

For this reason, pear pieces and not whole fruits are also frozen. If you have the time and inclination, you can also prepare a pear purée or compote and then freeze it.

Step by step preparation

So that pears can be processed more easily after thawing, they are frozen right away. These steps are necessary in advance:

  1. Wash the pears carefully. If you prefer, you can also peel the pears.
  2. Quarter the fruit. Remove the core and the core.
  3. The quarters can also be cut into smaller pieces or slices if necessary.
  4. Add some sugar and lemon juice. This prevents the fruit from turning an unsightly brown color.

Pack pear pieces

Loose pieces of fruit do not belong in the freezer. A suitable container provides protection against foreign flavors and freezer tape. The following aspects have proven to be useful.

  • Divide the fruit pieces into suitable portion sizes
  • Close freezer bags or plastic boxes well
  • Labeling the containers makes it easier to find them again
  • The storage period can be determined from the noted date

Trapped air has a negative impact on the appearance and taste of pears. A vacuum device provides the best service here, but the air can also be pressed out of the freezer bag with the flat of the hand.


Every year, discounters offer inexpensive vacuuming devices. It is worth buying because it can be used for any type of frozen food.


Frozen pear pieces should ideally be used within ten months. After that, they are not spoiled immediately, but their good taste decreases significantly over time. Anyone who owns a pear tree will get fresh supplies from it after this time.


When handling frozen food, the motto is usually: freeze quickly, thaw slowly! This can be deviated from for pears. For compote or cooked puree, the pieces should be frozen in the saucepan. Gentle thawing primarily serves to maintain a texture that is as natural as possible, which is no longer the case with frozen pears.


A pear jam is not only welcome as a children's meal. It also adds a fine note as an ingredient in desserts.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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