The species at a glance

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The six most important dead nettle species

  • white Dead nettle (Lamium album)
  • Red dead nettle (Lamium purpureum)
  • Great dead nettle (Lamium orvala)
  • Ordinary Golden nettle (Lamium galeobdolon)
  • Silvery-leaved dead nettle (Lamium argentatum)
  • Spotted dead nettle (Lamium maculatum)

White dead nettle

The white dead nettle is probably the most common dead nettle species. Perhaps you still remember that when you were a child you pulled out the white flowers and sucked them out to enjoy the honey-sweet nectar?

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White dead nettles are used in naturopathy for inflammation and gynecological problems. Just like the “burning” nettles, you can also prepare dead nettles in the kitchen. The leaves give the salad a mildly spicy note and the flowers are good as Eatable Decoration.

Red dead nettle

Red dead nettles are usually not quite as tall as the white dead nettle species. To do this, they develop countless pink flowers. In mild winters, red dead nettles continue to bloom undeterred, so that they can be planted as wonderful spots of color in inconspicuous garden corners.

Great dead nettle

Under the name "Nesselkönig", the large dead nettle is offered in specialist garden shops. The perennials develop white-pink flowers. She feels in Penumbra very well and is often planted as a ground cover.

Common golden nettle and silvery-leaved dead nettle

Golden yellow blossoms are shown by the golden nettle, of which there are several subspecies. This dead nettle species only blooms in spring from April to June. The subspecies silvery-leaved dead nettle differs from the common golden nettle by the silvery foliage and a somewhat later one Heyday. It blooms well into summer.

Spotted dead nettle

The spotted dead nettle impresses with its beautiful, patterned leaves, the color palette of which ranges from white to silver-gray. The flowers are mostly purple, more rarely white. With good care, this dead nettle species can reach a height of 80 centimeters. It can be brewed very well in the pot.

Tips & Tricks

Dead nettles are a very good one Bee pasture and are also popular with many other insects. You should therefore leave a few of the flowering nettles in the garden.