Is the loquat hardy?

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Do not plant medlars out in the garden

Basically, medlars are quite robust plantsthat can tolerate minus degrees in the low-digit range. For this reason, the plants can be left outside from April to November without any problems - with appropriate protection, of course, if night frosts threaten. Even a mild winter spent in the garden or on the balcony can usually not harm the tree. However, should a severe winter be in the house, it should Loquat be brought to safety as quickly as possible - because temperatures below five to eight degrees Celsius will most likely not survive them.

also read

  • Japanese loquat only partially hardy
  • Japanese loquat - care and culture in a pot
  • Hibernate loquat correctly

Hibernating loquats outdoors

For this reason, planting out in the garden is not recommended, because a single severe winter can tear down the lovingly cherished and cared for tree in no time at all. At mild temperatures of around minus five degrees Celsius, however, you can also overwinter the loquat outside, provided that the The plant is protected accordingly. You should

  • Place the loquat in a corner protected from wind and weather
  • if possible on a warm house wall
  • the location should also be bright
  • the pot stands on an insulating surface, such as styrofoam or wood
  • wrap the pot and stem with an insulating material,
  • which, however, should allow an exchange of air
  • Fleece or raffia mats are ideal
  • In addition, do not forget to water the tree regularly.

Without an additional heat source such as a heater, however, insulating material is also useless at lower minus temperatures.

Hibernate loquats in the house / greenhouse

As soon as it gets colder, you can overwinter the loquat under cold house conditions in the house or greenhouse. The tree needs a light and frost-free location with a maximum temperature of 12 ° C - for example in the (little heated) bedroom or in the stairwell, provided it is not too drafty there. If the tree is overwintered cold, it can also be kept indoors all year round.


If your loquat is already too big or you don't have a suitable place to spend the winter, just ask the gardener you trust - he often has a suitable corner in the greenhouse that you can rent for a fee can.