Breeding new shoots (palm lily)

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Yucca usually sheds due to a lack of light

Yuccas are strong, fast-growing house plants with a lush forelock - and often one or the other side shoot. If the whole plant seems powerless, the trunk remains rather thin, grows crooked and if the tuft is rather sparsely covered with leaves, this is usually due to a lack of light. Need yuccas lots of light and should be possible directly in front of a window or even over the summer months outdoors stand. The plant can even tolerate blazing sun if it has been carefully accustomed to it - don't forget that it is a desert plant after all. Another possible reason for the rather weak appearance of the yucca could - in addition to the lack of light - also be absent fertilizer be. A yucca needs regular nutrients in order for it to grow and thrive.

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  • Scoring the trunk - growing new shoots on the yucca palm?
  • How often do you have to water the yucca palm?
  • The trunk of the yucca palm is hollow - what to do?

How to grow new shoots - nothing will be done without pruning

In order to stimulate the bald yucca to grow new shoots, there is no avoiding cutting. At best, you separate the top of the plant and make several shoots out of additional shoots and the trunk Shoot and stem cuttings. You plant these directly in a loose mixture of sand and Potting soil, put them in a bright place - if possible directly in front of a south-facing window! - and keep the substrate slightly moist. Within a few months, the cuttings should have taken root and develop new shoots. Now it is important to care for the young yuccas appropriately so that strong plants with numerous leaves can grow out of them.


Many a proud yucca palm owner have been able to grow side shoots on their plants by simply cutting them with a sharp knife scratched the trunk Has. In many cases this method works, but not always.