How to do it

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The right time to share

After the flowering of the Bergenia is the perfect time to share it. That is the case from summer to autumn. The soil should still be loose and not streaked with frost.

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The period between mid-September and the beginning of October is most suitable for the division. In the height of summer, the split specimens would need a lot of water to grow, which is why early autumn is preferable.

Precise procedure in step-by-step instructions

Only share healthy plants and when the soil is moist! Proceed as follows:

  • The plant has shallow roots
  • with a Digging fork or one spade lift out the root ball
  • Using a knife, spade or your bare hands, cut the root ball once in the middle or several times
  • divided rhizomes should be 10 cm long

Each section that was created by the division should have a few leaves. You should also be careful not to damage the fine roots too much! Remove old, brown or kinked leaves and immerse the individual specimens in lukewarm water!

Plant in a new place

Go on:

  • Choose a sunny to partially shaded location
  • Dig and loosen the planting hole
  • enrich with compost
  • Distance between the individual planting holes: At least 40 cm
  • for carpet growth: put 7 to 9 pieces per square meter
  • Insert the roots flat
  • Cover with soil and water well
  • water regularly for the next 4 weeks

Share - not just to multiply

The division of the bergenia should be carried out every 4 to 5 years. Not only the plant can do this increased will. The mother plant is rejuvenated at the same time by this procedure. It can also be passed on to someone else Location to be replanted.


Before the bergenia is divided, it should cut down will. Then the sharing is much easier and the plant is then hindered from rooting by over-long flower stems and the like.