The top 3 recommendations and buying guides

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Our recommendations

Real or domestic worm fern 'Mexica', Dryopteris filix-mas - hardy, in a pot 12 cm, in gardener quality of flowers boar - 12 cmour recommendation
Real or domestic worm fern 'Mexica', Dryopteris filix-mas - hardy, in a pot 12 cm, in gardener quality of flowers boar - 12 cm

3.99 EURTo the product

Art Real one Worm fern 'Mexica'
Latin name Dryopteris filix-mas
size 60 centimeters high
Hardiness Yes

The common worm fern is a native fern species and widespread in Central Europe. In fact, it is the most common native fern species. In nature, Dryopteris filix-mas is found mainly in pine and beech forests, but also grows on debris and in the mountains at an altitude of up to 2000 meters. The worm fern is quite adaptable and therefore well suited for a garden planting. Its deciduous fronds reach heights of up to 120 meters, turn brown in winter and sprout again and again in spring. The species grows as a funnel-shaped rosette and has bi-pinnate leaves.

Red veil fern - Dryopteris erythrosora - hardy, evergreen, fern 12 cm pot as a container plant, balcony plant, shade plant, bedding plantour recommendation
Red veil fern - Dryopteris erythrosora - hardy, evergreen, fern 12 cm pot as a container plant, balcony plant, shade plant, bedding plant

EUR 8.95To the product

Art Red veil fern
Latin name Dryopteris erythrosora
size 50 to 80 centimeters
Hardiness Yes

The red veil fern, which comes from East Asia, bears its name due to the beautiful copper-red color of young shoots, later the fronds then turn a strong dark green. Since there are often several leaf shoots per year, the species offers a beautiful display of colors in shady garden areas and is very suitable as a companion Clematis or different spring flowers. The robust and easy-care species is also very suitable for underplanting trees and other woody plants. The shade-tolerant and winter-resistant red veil fern grows as a funnel-shaped rosette with up to 60 centimeters high, winter-green fronds. The fine leaves are bipinnate and have reddish spore clusters on the underside.

10 x Dryopteris affinis 'Crispa Congesta' (ornamental grass fern) curly golden scale fernour recommendation
10 x Dryopteris affinis 'Crispa Congesta' (ornamental grass / fern) curly golden scale fern

41.90 EURTo the product

Art Frizzy golden scale fern
Latin name Dryopteris affinis 'Crispa Congesta'
size approx. 20 centimeters
Hardiness Yes

The golden flake fern is also a native species, which can therefore easily be cultivated in a suitable location in the garden. Characteristic are the densely feathered and very upright growing fronds, which can be up to 100 centimeters high. They keep their beautiful dark green color for a long time in winter, when they sprout in spring the stems are covered with golden-brown chaff scales. These have given the golden flake fern its name. This offer is not about the wild form, but about the breeding 'Crispa Congesta'. Characteristic are the strongly wavy fronds. It is best to plant the variety in small groups in a partially shaded to shady place in humus-rich soil.

Purchase criteria

purpose of use

Many worm ferns, especially the native species, are perfect for planting shady garden areas with fresh to moist, ideally neutral to acidic soils. That is why worm ferns can be used very well for planting under trees and other woody plants, for planting the edge of the wood or pond. The plants also thrive well in shady herbaceous beds or in areas shaded by walls or house walls. Depending on the species, the plants can also be used to green rock gardens or tree slices. The plants simply cannot tolerate a sunny location.

Plant type and appearance

There are around 150 different species of worm fern, each varying in size, appearance, and use. The funnel-shaped rosette growth and the up to 100 centimeters long, double to fourfold pinnate fronds are typical. These differ in length, width and color depending on the type and variety. Some worm farms develop a rich color, such as the red veil fern, while others remain green. However, all species are pure foliage plants, as ferns neither develop flowers nor fruits - they reproduce via spores and rhizomes.

Frost hardiness

If you want to plant the worm fern in the garden, it should definitely be hardy. This applies to the vast majority of species, in particular to the native species or species. the worm ferns that are at home in the mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere. Therefore, winter protection is usually not necessary, not even for young specimens. Much more important than the winter hardiness, however, is that these ferns must not be allowed to dry out - they need constantly fresh to moist soil.


Most worm ferns are deciduous; H. their fronds change color in autumn or brown at the beginning of winter. The fresh green shoots only appear in spring. Some species are considered to be semi-evergreen or Evergreen, so they keep their green foliage a little longer. But these fronds also turn brown at some point during the winter, so that the new green shoots from the rhizomes can take place in spring. However, there are no evergreen fern species suitable for the garden.

Size of the plant

When buying, pay attention to whether you are actually receiving plants or just seeds. Sometimes for the price of a large worm fern they just offer a few seeds from which you first have to grow the plants you want. Usually this doesn't make much sense as you have less trouble with finished ferns and there is no guarantee that the seeds will actually germinate. Instead, it is better to buy a few larger ferns and plant them in the garden: They will multiply on their own in no time at all.

frequently asked Questions

Which location is ideal for worm fern?

Worm ferns are distinct forest plants that are often found in mixed forests with beech and pine. In the garden, you should offer similar site conditions, which is why the plants should be as shady or shady as possible under trees. The soil is ideally fresh to moist, low in lime, rich in humus and neutral to acidic. Like most ferns, worm fern cannot tolerate sun or drought.

Can I also keep worm fern as a houseplant?

Basically, you can also keep worm fern in pots or troughs, for example on the balcony or terrace, provided the site conditions are right. However, other species are much better suited as pure indoor ferns, for example sword, antler or striped ferns. These are available in a wide variety of species and varieties.

Is worm fern poisonous?

In the past, the roots of the worm fern were used against worm infestation, which is why the species also bears this name. However, these days you should not try this anymore, neither on yourself nor on your pets, as the plant is in all parts poisonous is. Use the worm fern as a purely ornamental plant, safe medicines are now available.

When is the best time to plant fern leaves?

The best time to plants of the worm fern is spring, but you can also plant the plants in the ground in autumn. When planting, add some compost to the soil as a starting fertilizer and do not completely cover the rhizomes with soil. You should be about halfway out. Since most worm ferns can also become quite wide, a planting distance of about 70 centimeters should be maintained.

How do I properly care for the worm fern?

Once planted, the worm fern is very easy to care for. In summer as well as in dry periods, make sure that the soil does not dry out. In addition, you should work some compost into the soil for start-up fertilization in spring and clean out the brown fronds. If the plant is too big, you can also divide it up in spring. However, this is not absolutely necessary.


Earth for house fern

COMPO SANA green plant and palm soil with 12 weeks of fertilizer for all indoor and balcony plants as well as palm trees and ferns, culture substrate, 10 litersour recommendation
COMPO SANA green plant and palm soil with 12 weeks of fertilizer for all indoor and balcony plants as well as palm trees and ferns, culture substrate, 10 liters

6.49 EURTo the product

If ferns are cultivated as house plants, they need loose and nutrient-rich soil. This must be able to store water well, but must not promote waterlogging. For indoor ferns is a high quality green plant and Palm soil ideal that you are using for the purpose of drainage Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) can mix. You should repot young indoor ferns in fresh substrate about every one to two years.

Fertilizer for house fern

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So that the House fern grows healthily, he needs the right mix of nutrients. Be with it, however Fertilize economical: it is enough to use the fern between April and October once a month with a green plant and Palm fertilizer to supply. You can also use a liquid fertilizer instead Fertilizer stick(€ 9.82 at Amazon *) use with long-term effect. Garden ferns are not fertilized, they are only given some compost when planted.

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