Keep coral tree as a houseplant

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Don't worry about falling leaves

Many plant lovers panic when the leaves of the coral tree gradually say goodbye with the beginning of winter and the shoot tips dry up a bit. However, this is absolutely no reason to dispose of the plant. On the contrary: this cycle is quite normal in the coral tree, the more clearly the visually striking flowers are then perceived before new leaves are finally formed in spring. The situation is different if leaves are shed during the growth phase in spring and summer. Then you should examine the plant for care errors or diseases and pests.

also read

  • The perfect care for the coral tree
  • Hibernate the coral tree properly
  • How to care for an amaryllis as a houseplant

Choosing the perfect location

When growing as a houseplant, the coral tree should be placed in a location where the The ratio of incident sunlight and the prevailing temperature in a favorable ratio stands to each other. So are heated winter gardens with a temperature of over 25 degrees Celsius for the

Care of the coral tree less suitable than so-called cold winter gardens, which have a slightly cooler temperature. You should also allow the coral tree to be as sunny as possible indoors from spring to autumn. Make sure, however, that the coral tree quickly becomes a breeding ground for annoying when exposed to heat stress and dry indoor air Spider mites can be.

Proper care in the house

At the Winter in the house Excessive moisture poses a threat to the health of a coral tree that should not be underestimated. At the end of summer, let the plants and substrate dry off before wintering Water coral trees cultivated as houseplants in the house gradually from autumn onwards all year round more economical. It can also make sense to only pour over a coaster at all, as is often done with bougainvillea. Simulate a tropical dry season in winter time and ensure the following conditions:

  • no fertilization in winter
  • Water the plant very rarely
  • Ideally, the location should not be too warm, rather at around 15 degrees Celsius


Even with coral trees that are cared for in the house all year round, the pruning should only be carried out shortly before the new shoots in spring, as it is then particularly easy to cope with.