Is parsley a light germinator?

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This is how the sowing of the dark germ parsley works

  • Let the seeds soak beforehand
  • on Potting soil or sow in the field
  • Mix in marking seed or sand in the field
  • Cover the rows of seeds with soil
  • keep soil moistured
  • After emergence prick out

Water seeds before sowing

Parsley seeds are very hard. If you let the seeds soak in lukewarm water for several hours beforehand, you can shorten the germination process a little. Scatter the seeds thinly in the seed pots or the rows of seeds in the garden.

also read

  • Pulling parsley: this is how it works
  • Be careful when fertilizing parsley
  • Propagate parsley - collect and sow seeds

Cover the seeds with a layer of soil two to four times as thick as the seed. In the case of parsley, that's about 1 to 1.5 centimeters. Carefully press the soil layer onto the seeds.

Place the pots in a warm place or make sure that the ground is not too cold outside. Keep the soil surface moist.

Parsley germinates very slowly and irregularly

It can take a good three to four weeks for the first green tips to appear.

Since not every seed will actually germinate, you should sow enough seeds. Professional gardeners plant up to ten seeds per pot or sow additional rows outdoors.

At the latest when the plants are five centimeters high, you have to prick the parsley at a distance of at least ten centimeters. Only one plant is left in the pot at a time. Spots in the bed where the seed has not germinated will be left with redundant plants filled up.

Parsley grows slowly

Not only does parsley germinate slowly, you need to be patient as you grow it. Sow the parsley therefore start with marking seeds such as radishes, which germinate in both light and dark.

Tips & Tricks

Seeds of dark germs such as parsley react to long-wave light that penetrates thinner layers of soil. Short-wave light inhibits the germination process. Therefore, the seeds of these plants must always be kept dark until they open
