The most beautiful summer flowers at a glance

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Summer flowers for a long blooming flower bed

Of course, given the sheer number of summer flowers, there is no space here to introduce them all to you. However, we do not want to withhold the best species for your home summer bed from you. Here is our small but fine selection:

  • Mustard carnations (Dianthus barbatus hybrids): bloom from May, very diverse colors
  • Mallow (Lavatera trimestris): white or pink flowers between July and October
  • Maßliebchen (Bellis perennis hybrids): red, pink or white flowers between March and August
  • Elven mirror (Nemesia Fruticans hybrids): long flowering period between June and October, many colors
  • Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus): many varieties and colors
  • Midday gold (Gazania rigens): multi-colored flowers, flowering time between May and October
  • Common hollyhock (Alcea rosea): many ornamental flowers between July and September
  • Zinnias (Zinnia elegans): large variety, bloom between July and October
  • Snapdragons (Anthirrinum majus): pretty cottage garden flower, blooms between June and September
  • Marigold (Calendula officinalis): yellow and orange flower heads between May and October

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Prefer and plant out summer flowers

So that you can see the magical blossoms of the summer flowers enjoy for a long time you should put them on the windowsill at an early stage. Many species can be sown in a shallow seed tray as early as March and grown under the conditions of an indoor greenhouse. First pot the young plants individually in small pots, they should only be outside after the ice saints. In addition to the summer flowers listed above, which are mostly propagated via seeds, you can also use bulbous plants such as Dahlias and Tuberous begonias drive forward. To do this, plant the tubers in commercially available tubers from March onwards Potting soil, keep it slightly moist and place the planter on a light window sill in a sheltered, warm room. These flowers can also be outdoors from the end of May.


Some biennial summer flowers such as carnations or Hollyhocks are grown in the first year, but only bloom in the second year. When these plants are sown, you will gain new seeds.