From when to when does the delicious asparagus sprout?

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Beginning of the asparagus season in April

Asparagus begins to grow as soon as the soil is at least twelve degrees warm. This is rarely the case before mid-April. The Asparagus harvest start earlier.

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If you want to eat asparagus at Easter, you have to rely on imported asparagus. Some farmers ensure early offers by heating the asparagus beds with a heater.

End of the asparagus season on Midsummer Day

Traditionally, the asparagus season starts on the 24th. June ended. After that, fresh asparagus from Germany is no longer on the market.

The reason for the termination of Asparagus season is that the asparagus plants need a lot of strength to produce thick asparagus spears. After the season, they need a long rest period to recover.

If you Growing asparagus in the garden, you should definitely give your asparagus this rest period. If you prick the asparagus after this point too, you are depleting the plant too much. It bears less the next year and cannot be harvested for up to ten years.

Harvest during the asparagus season

During the asparagus season, you need to harvest your asparagus plants regularly. You should pick up the knife and twice a day digging up asparagus.

When white asparagus pushes through the earth wall and is exposed to the sun, it changes color and forms very quickly blossoms the end. This can be prevented by harvesting in good time.

Green asparagus must be cut while the flower is still tightly closed. Otherwise it will be bitter.

  • Beginning of the asparagus season: Depending on the weather, from mid-April
  • End of the asparagus season: on 24. June.
  • Harvest regularly during the season
  • After the season Fertilize asparagus plants
  • Cut asparagus in autumn

Tips & Tricks

Extend the Asparagus harvestby covering the asparagus beds with thick fleece or black foil. The floor heats up faster due to the sun's rays. The asparagus starts to grow earlier and you can harvest asparagus earlier.