Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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Can lilies of the valley also be cared for in pots or tubs?

lily of the valley you can easily in the pot or hold a bucket. This even has advantages because the plant cannot then spread over runners throughout the garden.

also read

  • Lilies of the valley in the garden - location and care
  • When is the best time to plant lilies of the valley?
  • Enchant the garden with lily of the valley flowers

Do lilies of the valley need to be watered?

After planting, you should water more often. The earth must never dry out completely. Later on, watering is only necessary in very dry summers. Make sure that waterlogging never occurs.

How are lilies of the valley fertilized?

Plant lilies of the valley in nutritious soil that has been enriched with compost. Then you only have to feed the flowers with new compost every two years.

When and how are lilies of the valley cut?

That Cutting lily of the valley is not absolutely necessary. If you want to prevent uncontrolled spread by self-sowing, cut off the faded flowers before the red berries develop.

The leaves must not be cut. They move in on their own in autumn. In summer they collect necessary nutrients for the upcoming gardening season.

Wear when cutting or Picking lilies of the valley better gloves. Even in contact with the skin, the poisonous plant can cause skin irritation.

Which diseases and pests occur?

Lilies of the valley are very hardy and are rarely affected by diseases or pests. Occasionally do the plants

  • Gray mold
  • Lily Chicken
  • Root moth

to accomplish. If gray mold occurs, treatment should begin immediately, as the mold affects the plant destroy can. Spraying the plant with vegetable stock helps against lily chickens. You should collect the caterpillars of the root moth by hand.

Do lilies of the valley need winter protection?

Lilies of the valley are absolutely hardy and can do without winter protection. To maintain soil moisture, you can pour some foliage over the sites in the fall.

If you grow lilies of the valley in the pot, you have to overwinter the plants frost-free.


Before adding lilies of the valley in the garden plants, think carefully about the location. The spring flowers tend to spread widely. Once they have settled in in the garden, they can hardly be removed.