How to keep them humane

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They promise easy care, can reach the proud age of 30, but still require one species-appropriate keeping with sometimes serious differences between their living conditions in the aquarium and those in the Garden pond. Therefore, not all species are suitable for breeding in the ornamental pond. The unproblematic examples include:

  • Grass goldfish;
  • Shubunkins;
  • Comet tail;

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And with these, too, it must be noted that a maximum of two of the fish per m3 of water should be used, as they multiply quickly and in extreme cases your garden pond could even tip over.

Choice of location and living conditions of the goldfish

Plenty of space and enough air to breathe are particularly important and, as the oxygen content of the Water sinks when the temperature rises, an at least partially shaded pond is ideal for the animals who love to move around. Small ponds, which experience has shown to be more prone to the formation of digester gas, are best upgraded with a powerful filter system. With a goldfish stock, the water should not only be pure, but also only slightly warmer than 20 ° C.

The structure of the goldfish pond

While water lily leaves are an excellent additional source of shade, goldfish stand up Aquatic plants in a soil-gravel substrate that they like to use for digging and spawning, but also as a hiding place from their natural adversaries. We recommend the following plantings, distributed as generously as possible over the pond basin:

  • Common fir frond;
  • different species of pondweed;
  • Canadian waterweed;
  • various cattail and hornwort species;
  • Reed;

Garden pond goldfish and their diet

A great danger that the animals become easy prey for Heron and cats become, is based on the fact that if they overfeed, they can quickly become overweight and therefore too slow. Moderate feeding on one fasting day per week is sufficient, because the colorful animals like to get some of their food themselves and directly above the surface of the water. They like insects and help to keep the pond floor clean.


When the sensitive goldfish from the breeding tank are placed in the pond by the dealer, they must first be slowly brought to the temperature in their new environment. It is best to let the animals float on the surface of the water for almost an hour in the plastic bag, i.e. the sales packaging.

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