Buddleia ∗ The 10 best care and planting tips (Buddleja)

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Origin and Distribution

There are around 100 different species of Buddleia (bot. Buddleja), which belong to the figwort family (Scrophlariacae). They are subshrubs or shrubs that can be summer or winter green. There are also some evergreen species. The genus is predominantly found in the tropical to subtropical regions of North and South America as well Native to Africa and Asia, where most species are in sunny, dry and hot locations thrive. Despite the similarity as well as the name, the Buddleia not with the common lilac (bot. Syringa vulgaris), because from a scientific point of view it belongs to the olive family (Oleaceae).

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  • Buddleia needs the greatest possible planting distance
  • The most beautiful summer lilacs for the balcony - planting and care
  • Buddleia - location, plants, propagation


The quite undemanding buddleia fits wonderfully both as a solitary plant as well as in a group planting in full sun garden locations with barren, gravelly soils. The shrub makes both in colorful summer flower and perennial beds, and for greening dry ones Embankments a good figure. In front gardens and along garden paths, the plant is also very suitable as a border and can easily be used for planting hedges. The summer lilac is also popular in Mediterranean gardens, for example in combination with other plants from the Mediterranean region such as lavender, thyme, sage, etc. Together with other perennials popular with butterflies such as asters or Sedum plant create a frequently flown oasis for the little butterflies.

The species Buddleja davidii, of which there are numerous, colorful varieties, is particularly popular for the garden. The exchange or Narrow-leaved Buddleia (Buddleja alternifolia) is very suitable for a garden culture, whereas the rare yellow one Buddleia (Buddleja x weyeriana) can only be planted in climatically mild regions due to the lack of frost resistance should. However, all species are also ideally suited for keeping in a bucket.

Appearance and stature

The species is particularly suitable for the Central European climate zone with its sometimes harsh and cold winters Buddleja davidii very good, of which there are numerous variants with different growth forms, heights and also flower colors gives. The shrubs grow either wide, upright or compact - depending on the variety - and develop a funnel-shaped, loosely structured crown with strong main shoots. The flowers sit on the loose side branches, which often bend slightly under this weight. On average, these summer lilac varieties grow up to two meters high, although there are also taller varieties with a growth height of up to four meters. Buddleja davidii is one of the evergreen species, because the gray-green foliage often remains on the shoots until frost and only dies with the first frost. In winter, the above-ground parts of the plant can freeze back, but the fast-growing shrub sprouts again in spring and quickly reaches its old height.

Blossoms and flowering period

In contrast to the common lilac, the summer lilac does not bloom in spring, but only from July. Its elongated, large and strongly fragrant flower panicles are usually located at the ends of the side and main shoots and are so heavy that the branches overhang. Many varieties bloom well into autumn and delight the viewer with a lush splendor in white, pink, red and purple in different tones. After pollination - and insofar as the withered shoots are not cut away - capsule fruits develop that contain a large number of tiny, winged seeds.


What butterflies taste so good is unfortunately poisonous for humans and pets. Especially the popular species Buddleja davidii contains in all parts of the plant, but mainly in in the leaves and in the seeds, poisonous saponins and glycosides such as Catapol and Aucubin. If children or pets try the shrub, symptoms of poisoning such as headaches and nausea, but also cramps, vomiting and diarrhea can occur. Those affected should drink plenty of water and see a doctor or doctor immediately. Go to the vet.

The clippings that accumulate in large quantities in spring are not suitable for feeding to large or small animals such as horses, cattle or animals. Guinea pigs, rabbits or turtles. However, you can safely add healthy parts of the plant to the compost.

Which location is suitable?

As in its natural locations, the Buddleia feels most comfortable in a sunny and warm location. In a pinch, a place in the bright can also be used Penumbraas long as the plant gets a few hours of sun there at least in the morning and in the evening. The location, on the other hand, should not be shady: the Buddleia will not feel comfortable here, will stop growing and will not develop any flowers.
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Substrate / soil

Plant the buddleia in loose, well-drained and only moderately nutrient-rich soil, which can also be gravelly and poorly. When planting, improve the soil with ripe compost to make it easier for the shrub to grow in its new place. The Buddleia, on the other hand, does not like heavy, loamy soils that tend to waterlogging. If necessary, look for another, more suitable location for the plant or improve the soil considerably with compost and gravel or coarse sand. In this case, drainage is also advisable so that waterlogging does not arise in the first place.

Pot culture

In particular, the frost-sensitive variants such as the ball buddleia (Buddleja globosa) and the yellow buddleia (Buddleja x weyeriana) should not be planted in the garden bed outside of mild winter regions, but rather cultivated in a sufficiently large container will. Other species - Buddleja davidii, for example - are also very suitable for keeping in a bucket, provided there is enough space.

Special, small-stature varieties are particularly suitable for this purpose. Variants such as 'Purple Emperor' or 'Summer Lounge' are only about one and a half meters high and therefore do not need that much space for themselves - this fact is not entirely true on a cramped balcony unimportant. Choose the largest and deepest possible planter made from a natural material such as clay or Ceramic, so that the roots have enough space and not in the summer heat Warm up. Clay buckets in particular ensure an exchange of air and thus keep the roots of the plant cool.

Use commercially available substrates as the substrate Potting soilwho you have favourited with gravel and Expanded clay(€ 16.35 at Amazon *) mix. This increases the permeability of the substrate, although you must of course not forget the basic drainage in the pot. The bottom of the pot always needs a drainage hole through which the excess irrigation water can flow into the planter or the coaster flows. Water the plant regularly so that it neither dries out nor constantly stands in wet substrate. In addition, regular fertilization is very important when kept in a bucket, as the plant cannot take care of itself. You should therefore provide them with a liquid fertilizer for potted plants every two weeks, but only in the growing season between April and August. Outside of this time it is only watered, but no longer fertilized.

Preferably overwinter the buddleia in a cool and light place, but frost-free in an unheated interior.

Planting buddleia properly

Since buddleia is mostly grown and sold in containers, you should definitely keep the shrub just as deep or deep. Plant high in the garden as it was in the planter. If necessary, mark the spot with a pen. Otherwise, proceed exactly as you would with any other plant when planting the buddleia:

  • Dig a planting hole that is twice as wide and deep as the root ball.
  • In the meantime, submerge the root ball in a bucket of water.
  • There it can soak itself up with water, which in turn helps it to grow.
  • Better that Garden soil if necessary with sand / gravel.
  • If necessary, apply a drainage layer of gravel about five centimeters thick to the perforated base.
  • Mix that up Excavation with plenty of ripe compost.
  • Put the buddleia in the planting hole and fill in the soil.
  • Gently step on it and water the root area thoroughly.

If desired, you can also cover the root area with bark mulch or another suitable material mulch.
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What is the best time to plant?

If possible, plant the buddleia - also the hardy species and varieties - according to the Ice saints in spring when the ground is already slightly warmed and there is a risk of night frosts banned. Now the plant has a few months to grow in its new location in the garden until the first winter comes and the above-ground parts of the plant may freeze back.

The correct planting distance

In particular, the popular varieties of Buddleja davidii, with a stature height of up to 300 centimeters and a Growth width of up to 200 centimeters can take on quite considerable proportions, especially since the shrub is also quite fast-growing is. Maintain a planting distance of about 150 centimeters for solitary plants, for a hedge or For group planting, however, a distance of between 80 and 100 centimeters is sufficient. Smaller species, on the other hand, require significantly less space.

By the way, the buddleia can be planted very well under, as the shrub often remains bare in the lower area. Annual summer flowers are particularly suitable for this, but also low perennials.
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How do I transplant properly?

If the buddleia is to be transplanted to a new location, this can be done without any problems. However, postpone this measure to May or May. in the early autumn, as repositioning in the middle of the vegetation period can quickly lead to problems due to the inevitable loss of roots. It is best to proceed as follows:

  • Cut the shrub back vigorously by at least a third.
  • Tie the leftover shoots together at the top.
  • Prick with a sharp one spade dig a deep trench around the bush.
  • Loosen with the help of a Digging fork the root ball in the earth.
  • Lift this out together with the plant.
  • Plant the shrub back in its new location.
  • Mix the excavated material with plenty of compost.

Also, give the freshly transplanted buddleia plenty of water to make it easier for it to grow. You should also water the plant more over the next few weeks.
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Watering Buddleia

Freshly planted buddleia should be regularly watered so that it takes root better. This is especially true in the summer months when it is hot and dry. Specimens cultivated in pots are also dependent on a regular water supply, as they cannot take care of themselves. However, waterlogging must not occur, as this in turn leads to root rot. Older summer lilacs that are already well established in their location in the garden, on the other hand, rarely need to be watered, for example during a long dry period in summer.

In contrast to many other plants, you can easily supply Buddleja with hard water from the tap, as the plants prefer this.

Fertilize Buddleia properly

When it comes to the supply of nutrients, the summer lilac is pleasingly undemanding: only when planting as well as after pruning, consider using a generous compost shovel as well as possibly one Handful Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) in order to stimulate the subsequent new growth. Only shrubs grown in pots fertilize Every two weeks during the growing season with a liquid container plant fertilizer, which is more phosphorus than nitrogen.
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Cut Buddleia correctly

There are many good reasons for pruning Buddleia regularly. Above all, dead shoots should be removed regularly to keep the shrub continuously blooming. Once he puts his energy into the formation of seeds, the abundance of flowers is over.

Further pruning measures and, above all, their timing, on the other hand, are heavily dependent on the type and variety of the Buddleia. The often cultivated Buddleja davidii, for example, only develops flowers on this year's shoots and is therefore often put "on the cane" in spring, i.e. H. Cut back to a height of 20 to 30 centimeters above the ground. This measure is especially necessary if the above-ground parts of the plant have frozen back as a result of a cold winter and the shrub is therefore to sprout again. However, so that the buddleia does not bloom too late, you should prune it in April at the latest, or better still during a mild period in March.

Other species of buddleia should not be pruned as much. For example, Buddleja alternifolia only receives one Clearance cutwhich is carried out after flowering in autumn. Apart from removing too dense or dried-up shoots, you can also shape the shrub a little, However, you should not cut this year's shoots: the Chinese Buddleia will grow on these in the following year bloom.
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Propagate Buddleia

Although you can also propagate Buddleia from seeds (you have collected yourself), this type of reproduction is not suitable for single-variety progeny. If you value single-variety propagation without any surprise, you should do so in summer Cut cuttings, Plant sinkers or extract cuttings from the clippings. The classic propagation of cuttings quickly shows success and works best according to this scheme:

  • In June / July cut semi-woody shoots without flowers.
  • These should be about four to six inches long.
  • Completely lignified branches are not suitable, but can be used as cuttings.
  • Leave two to three leaves on the top of each cutting, remove the rest.
  • Cut these leaves in half to reduce the rate of evaporation.
  • Plant the cuttings individually in small pots Growing substrate.(€ 12.99 at Amazon *)
  • Always keep the substrate slightly moist, but not wet.
  • Place a cut-off PET bottle or plastic bag over the plant.
  • Both improvised a mini greenhouse and must therefore be translucent.
  • Place the pot in a warm and bright, but not directly sunny place.
  • Ventilate the mini greenhouse daily.

As soon as the cuttings develop new shoots, they have developed strong roots and the protective cover can be removed. Do not put these young plants in the garden just yet, but tend them for the first winter in a cool and bright interior, still frost-free.
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Diseases and pests

The Buddleia is a very robust plant that rarely gets sick or attacked by pests. Most problems arise as a result of improper care, especially if the shrub has been over-watered. Yellow leaves often indicate overwatering, and the shoots of the affected plant soon wither and dry up despite apparently sufficient water supply.

Especially in wet summers, the wrong person can do it mildew, a fungal disease, become a problem. Yellow spots on the tops of the leaves as well as a grayish-white fungal lawn on the underside are clear indicators of this common disease. Cut away the infected shoots generously and dispose of them with the household waste, but under no circumstances on the compost. In addition, the diseased plant should be sprayed with a brew of horsetail broth, there this biological remedy, which is easy to make yourself, is quite reliable against fungal diseases helps.

Buddleja davidii in particular often freezes back during the cold winter months, but this is usually not a problem - at least as long as the roots of the shrub are not affected. Cover the root area generously with a thick layer of fallen leaves and bark mulch in the fall to keep frost away, and prune the buddleia vigorously in the spring. It will sprout again reliably and very quickly.

Of course, pests do not stop at an already weakened buddleia. Mainly aphids, but also Gall mites and leaf miners are troubling the bush. Prevent an infestation by nurturing and caring for beneficial insects in your garden and offering them a comfortable shelter in a conveniently located insect hotel, for example.


In the first three years in particular, young buddleia still need winter protection. After that, they are usually sufficiently hardened to withstand temperatures of down to minus 15 ° C.

Species and varieties

Of the numerous species of the Buddleja genus, B. davidii as well as the Chinese or alternate Buddleia, B. alternifolia, cultivated. The variety of varieties is particularly high for Buddleja davidii:

  • 'Adonis Blue': beautiful, dark blue flower panicles
  • 'African Queen': purple to lilac blue flower panicles
  • 'Black Knight': very dark flower color from purple to dark purple
  • 'Cardinal': strong dark pink to purple flower color
  • 'Empire Blue': light, blue-violet flower color
  • 'Pink Delight': beautiful, light pink flower color
  • 'Purple Emperor': dark, purple-red flower panicles
  • 'Summer Beauty': pretty, purple-violet flower color
  • 'White Bouquet': strong, pure white panicles of flowers

The yellow buddleia (Buddleja x weyeriana) comes up with the 'Sungold' variety, which has a particularly striking, light yellow flower color.

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