Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)

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Species / Family: Perennial. Plant species of the genus Rubus from the subgenus Idaeobatus
Maintenance effort: Medium. Soil must not dry out, but very sensitive to waterlogging
Flowering period: May to August with white flowers
Harvest time: Depending on the variety, from May to the beginning of October with red, yellow or black fruits. A characteristic of the raspberry is that when the fruit is picked, the light-colored cone remains on the plant, whereas with blackberries it remains on the berry
Foliage: Egg-shaped, medium-green leaves pointed towards the front, serrated on the edge. Fine hairy
Ingredients: Rich in vitamin C and fiber, biotin
Growth: stiffly upright shoots; but must be tied down
Height: 150 to 200cm
Location: Partly shaded, cool with high humidity. In full sun all day, the leaves and fruits burn easily. Well drained, moist and nutrient-rich soil. No waterlogging
Planting time: plant spacing of 50cm, row spacing of 150cm. After planting at approx. Cut back 20cm
Pruning: Cut summer-bearing varieties back to the ground after harvest. They form new shoots on which the fruits grow in the following year. Cut autumn-bearing varieties back to the ground after harvest or in winter

Propagation: Propagate themselves through offshoots; can also be removed
Care: The soil should always be kept moist, but plants are sensitive to waterlogging
Winter storage: hardy
Diseases / problems / pests:

Raspberry rod disease: Can be reduced by removing the shoots immediately after harvest. Cut off stained reddish to purple colored rods
Raspberry maggot: larva of the raspberry beetle The beetle lays its eggs in the raspberry blossoms. Late blooming varieties are therefore no longer infested, as the eggs were already laid late in bloom
Iron deficiency: especially young leaves turn yellow evenly - fertilize
Magnesium deficiency: Older leaves are only partially yellow with leaf veins that are still green - fertilize
Nitrogen deficiency: shoots hardly grow back - horn shavings
Fruits tend to stay small: the soil is usually too dry
Red root rot (Phytophtora): rods die off, mostly caused by waterlogging
Medicinal plant recognized since ancient times
Yellow varieties have been around since 1601
Botanically it does not belong to the berries but is a common nut fruit (recognizable by the small yellow-brown, seed-like nuts on the surface of the fruit)
Newly bred varieties are often marked virus-free. These strains are hardy and disease resistant, and often offer larger fruits and twice the yields than other strains

Varieties (selection)

`Aroma-Queen®: Newer cultivation from the variety` Autumn Bliss. Large oval fruits in light red with an aroma reminiscent of forest raspberries. Can be enjoyed from the beginning of August to the beginning of October. Is considered to be resistant to disease and dying rods
`Autumn Bliss: Also called` Blissy. Autumn raspberry. Very large, slightly elongated or rounded berries in

dark red. Firm flesh with a fine acidity. Well known and popular variety. Carries on the 1-year-old tail, so cut back at ground level after harvest. Thus, rod disease does not occur. Also resistant to root diseases, lice and free from maggots. Can also be cultivated in a tub.

Enjoyable August to October

`Autumn First: Newer variety with larger fruits than` Autumn Bliss. Autumn raspberry / Primeberry. Bears large, highly aromatic fruits on 1-year-old rods. Considered a very robust variety, not very susceptible to worms
`Bakkers Jewel: height 150cm. Large, cylindrically shaped fruits in medium red. Enjoyable July to August. Also very suitable for freezing
`Blissy: See above` Autumn Bliss
`Fall gold: height 150cm. Small round fruits in yellow. Fruit pulp with a pleasant sweetness. Enjoyable July to August
`Fallred: autumn raspberry. Harvest from mid-August to mid-November. Large, aromatic fruits
`Glen ​​Ample: Newer variety. Maturing early. Large, slightly conical fruits in dark red. The flesh is pleasantly sweet and aromatic. Enjoyable July to early August. Impresses with stingless shoots, high yield and good quality
`Golden Bliss®: Newer variety. Medium-sized, yellow, greenish-coated fruits. Sweet pulp. Enjoyable August to October
`HÃ © ritage: height 120cm. Harvest time September to October. Medium-sized, sweet, juicy fruits
`Himbo-Top: Newer variety. Autumn-bearing. Produces very aromatic fruits from the beginning of August. Particularly rich. Strong-growing
`Meeker: Newer variety. Mid-morning, twice in foal. Medium-sized, slightly rounded fruits in dark red. Pleasantly sweet and sour pulp. July to enjoy. Considered a very healthy and virus tolerant variety. Strong-growing
`Pokusa: Large, slightly elongated, dark red fruits. Fruits with a strong raspberry aroma. Medium strong, upright growth. Sufficient. Enjoyable July to October. Is currently the largest raspberry
`Polka: Early maturity. Very aromatic fruits in July to August
`Royal: Medium-sized, red, rather rounded fruits set in clusters. Spicy and piquant forest raspberry aroma. Mass carrier. Forms approx. 15-20 rods with up to 15 kg of fruit per plant. Is considered to be resistant to diseases and fruit damage. Very suitable for freezing, as there is no loss of flavor to be feared

`Rubaca: Also called` Niniane. Late ripening summer raspberry. Large, medium-red, long-lasting, aromatic fruits. Sweet and sour flesh. Enjoyable July to August. It is considered a healthy variety that is not very susceptible to root rot and rod disease
`Ruflava®: Medium-sized, dark yellow fruits. Firm, sweet pulp with a nutty note. Is considered to be particularly resistant to rod diseases and fruit rot. Requires a fully sunny location and soil rich in humus. Enjoyable July
`Schönemann: Late. Large, elongated berries in a deep red color. Sweet pulp. Exceptionally productive. Strong, upright growth. Enjoyable July to August. Old variety
`Tulamen: Makes very large, aromatic fruits. Sensitive variety


Freezing: Place the raspberries (applies to all berries) side by side on a tray, plate or bowl and place in the freezer. Just let it freeze and then put it in a freezer bag or a freezer-safe dish. When frozen, they stick together less so that they can be removed individually and there are fewer bruises. They can be kept in the freezer for a maximum of 12 months
Tea: A tea made from various ingredients is delicious and can be drunk daily and in large quantities without hesitation. For this purpose, 30 g of dried raspberry leaves are mixed well with 30 g of crushed rose hips, 30 g of dried hibiscus flowers, 30 g of dried blackberry leaves and 10 g of dried strawberry leaves. For a large cup (150ml) you need two teaspoons of the mixture, which are poured over with boiling water. Then let it steep for 5-10 minutes and either drink it straight or top it off with lemon juice and, if necessary, sweeten with sugar or, better, honey
Raspberry and basil vinegar: Put a handful of raspberries and a few basil leaves in a clean bottle and fill up with 500ml of good white wine vinegar. The bottle is closed and left in a cool, dark place (e.g. B. a cellar). Then strain the solid ingredients


Due to the high fiber content, raspberries help with gastrointestinal diseases, have a supportive effect on digestion and are supposed to help lower cholesterol levels that are too high. Biotin, known as a beauty vitamin, improves the elasticity of the skin. Raspberry juice lowers a fever