When, where and how?

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Which location does the blood flower prefer?

The blood flower likes it sunny to partial shade. In a location behind a window, however, you should shade them a little during the midday sun. The temperatures at the location should be at least 22 degrees.

also read

  • Repot blood flower in spring
  • Dividing blood flower - tips for propagation by division
  • Properly caring for blood flower - tips on care

In summer you can also put the blood flower outside.

When is the best time to plant?

Plant blood flowers from March to May. Put purchased or split onions in a saucepan immediately to prevent them from drying out.

What should the substrate be like?

Potting soil compost-based is ideal. The earth may like to be loamy and humic. It must be permeable to water so that no waterlogging occurs.

What should be considered when planting?

  • Pot not too big
  • The tip of the onion must remain free
  • Carefully press the substrate
  • don't keep too moist
  • place light and warm

Do not set the bulb of the blood flower too deep. The tip should just about stick out of the substrate.

The diameter of the pot should be about two inches larger than the onion. Pots that are too large are not suitable. Make sure there is drainage in the bottom of the pot.

When is the flowering time of the blood flower?

The flowering period lasts from August to September. The cooler the location, the longer the blood flower will bloom.

How is the blood flower propagated?

the Propagation of the blood flower The easiest way to do this is to divide the bulbs, for example if you repot the plant in spring. Over time, the onion forms a large number of bulbs that can be separated. Too often, however, the plant should not be divided, as it will no longer bloom there.

Propagation of blood flowers is also possible via seeds. For this you need a bright, warm place and a lot of patience. It takes up to three years for the seeds to develop into flowering plants.


The blood flower does not tolerate frost. In winter, however, it needs a longer period of rest in a cooler environment. If she is not granted this break, blooms they won't for the next year.