Here's how to do it step by step

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Ways to dry pineapple

With self-dried pineapples, you can be sure that it does not contain any preservatives, artificial flavors or other chemicals. Buy pineapples on sale and let them mature properly at home. When it smells strongly sweet, the ideal time to ripen for drying has been reached. You can now prepare the fruit for the drying process in just a few simple steps. You can choose between two methods of drying your pineapple:

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Dry the pineapple in the oven

You can prepare your pineapple for drying in the oven with little effort. However, you should plan a few hours for drying.

  1. Cut off the top green and hard bottom of the fruit.
  2. Place the pineapple on a cutting board and cut off the peel.
  3. Remove the remaining "eyes" and any brown spots.
  4. Now cut the pineapple into thin rings. The thinner the rings, the better they dry.
  5. Use a sharp knife to remove the hard core in the middle of the rings.
  6. If desired, the pineapple rings can now also be cut into bite-sized pieces.
  7. Preheat the oven to between 60 and 70 degrees.
  8. Prepare the baking sheets with parchment paper.
  9. Spread the pineapple on the trays and put them in the oven.

Now you have to be patient, because the drying process takes between 24 and 36 hours. Try a piece in between to check the consistency. Dried pineapples are slightly tough and a little sticky. They keep in a cool and dry place for several months.

Dry the pineapple in the dryer

  1. The fruit is prepared in the same way as when it is dried in the oven.
  2. Make sure that the pieces or slices are as thin as possible, about 0.6 cm.
  3. Preheat the dehydrator to about 57 degrees.
  4. Spread the fruits on the tray and let them dry for 35 hours.

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How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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