Cutting sequoia as a bonsai »This is how you do it right

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Different bonsai techniques

The cultivation of bonsai, which originated in Asia, is now so popular that there are several techniques:

  • the free upright form (Moyogi)
  • the strictly upright form (Chokkan)
  • the inclined form (Shakan)
  • the broom shape (Hokidachi)
  • the miniature form (Shohin or Mame Bonsai)
  • the cascade (Kengai)
  • the sinuous form (Nejikan)
  • the raft shape (netsunagari)
  • the semi-cascade form (Han-Kengai)
  • the forest (Yose-Ue)

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With the sequoia tree as a bonsai, the freely upright, the inclined shape and the forest are the easiest to implement.

The primeval sequoia is best suited

Usually all three species of sequoia meet the requirements for a bonsai cut shape. However, it is best to choose the ancient world sequoia for your project. Its suitable properties are not surprising, as it originally comes from China, the country of origin of bonsai art. Its rapid growth and the enormous flexibility of the branches make it easier for you to grow a bonsai shape. In addition, the wounds that result from the necessary pruning heal quickly.

Shape a sequoia tree into a bonsai

Just like other bonsai plants, you create the impressive shape by pruning and wire the branches.

The cut back

Disruptive young shoots are best removed in the spring or summer months. For this it is not necessary to have one Secateurs necessary. Especially young shoots are very inconvenient to pluck by hand.

The wire

Since aluminum wire is particularly easy to remove, this material is highly recommended. In autumn or winter the sequoia produces relatively little resin and slows down its growth, so that the cold season is ideal for wire. If necessary, you can do the shaping all year round. After removing the wire after half a year. After a short break, the rapid growth requires renewed intervention.

Be careful with young trees

The branches of young sequoias tend to break quickly. In this case, do without wire and tie the branches down instead.

Maintaining the sequoia bonsai

The care of a sequoia tree hardly differs from that of natural growth, even in the form of a bonsai. A sunny location with a lot of but not extreme heat supply is ideal. Make sure you are given enough water, especially in the summer months. In winter, you need to protect your mammoth bonsai tree from frost in a cool place. For rapid growth, you should put it in every three weeks for the first few months fertilize. After three years of rearing, you can put your sapling outside in the ground.´

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