Milkweed ∗ The 10 best care and planting tips

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Origin and Distribution

The genus of silk plants comprises around 200 different species, the majority of which are native to the New World - that is, in North and South America. Some varieties also occur in southern Africa between Tanzania / Zimbabwe and South Africa. Some species - such as the common one Milkweed - meanwhile grow as Neophytes in many other areas of the world. The genus is part of the dog poison family (bot. Apocynaceae).

also read

  • Asclepias tuberosa (milkweed) is not always hardy
  • Care of the Asclepias tuberosa as a container plant
  • Milkweed: is it hardy or does it need frost protection?

Appearance and stature

Most milkweed are perennial, herbaceous plants. Only a few species are only annual. Depending on the species, Asclepias plants reach heights of growth between 70 centimeters and two meters. The strong rhizomes from which the plants form numerous runners are also typical. Planted out in the garden, they quickly overgrow larger areas, which is why you should definitely use one when planting

Root lock should install.


Visually, the maximally short stalked, but up to 17 centimeters long leaves are somewhat reminiscent of rubber tree leaves. They are typically elliptical to oblong and hairy in most species.

Blossoms and flowering period

The mostly multi-flowered umbels appear between June and August and shine in strong colors such as pink or orange. Pollination takes place by insects, especially bees and butterflies, especially since silk plants are valuable bee and butterfly pastures.


For each fertilized flower, two spindle-shaped follicles develop, which usually stand together like two horns. These are densely packed with numerous flat seeds, which in turn are covered with up to four centimeters long, silky hair. The hairiness, called coma by botanists, is used to spread the seeds by wind, and the silk plants owe their species name to it.


Like all dog poison plants, silk plants are poisonous for both humans and animals. The leaking latex can also cause skin irritation.

Which location is suitable?

Silk plants prefer to stand in full sun, although some species are also in the light Penumbra feel good. Specimens cultivated in pots are best put outdoors during the summer, but you should slowly get used to the stronger sunlight. The large amount of space required is also important: Since the perennials can get quite high and also grow above ground If you are planting a bed, you should plant a planting distance of at least 50 centimeters to propagate root runners plan on. Container plants need a correspondingly wide pot.


Silk plants planted in the garden feel at home in humus-rich and well-drained soil with a low proportion of clay. The perennials will grow better if you add some compost under the planting Excavation Mix. A humus-based container plant substrate, which you bring with you, is suitable for potted plants Perlite(€ 39.50 at Amazon *) or Expanded clay(€ 16.35 at Amazon *) make it more permeable. A good pot drainage should not be missing in order to avoid waterlogging. To do this, the planter needs a drainage hole at the bottom of the pot, and as the bottom layer, fill in a drainage layer made of coarse, inorganic material such as gravel or potsherds.

Planting and repotting

Milkweed species that are not or only partially hardy should only be cultivated in pots if possible. In this way, wintering is no longer a problem - unless you only want to care for the plants for one year anyway. Repot tubs about every two to three years in a larger container and / or in fresh substrate.

Only hardy varieties or specimens that you dig up before the first frost and then hibernate frost-free afterwards should be planted in the garden. The hardy silk plants in particular need a lot of space in the garden, but can be prevented from uncontrolled growth with a root barrier.

To make it easier for the plants to take root, place them with the bare root ball in a bucket of fresh water before planting / potting. As soon as no more air bubbles rise, the plant is ready to be planted.

Watering and fertilizing

For healthy growth, silk plants depend on an adequate supply of water and nutrients, which is why you should regularly water specimens cultivated in pots fertilize should. Always keep the substrate slightly moist during the summer months, but avoid excessive moisture - this can lead to rot. Excess irrigation water must not remain in the saucer either, but must be removed promptly.

Silk plants planted in the garden need protection from moisture in winter, but a layer of mulch protects against drying out in summer. Fertilize the plants with a liquid container plant fertilizer about every two weeks between April and September. Hardy garden specimens, on the other hand, enjoy plenty of compost in April, June and the beginning of autumn.

Cut the milkweed correctly

Regularly pruning the silk plants is for better branching and therefore a bushier growth as well a more luxuriant flower formation makes sense, especially since you a balding in the perennial species in this way counteract. For a longer flowering period, what has faded should also be cleaned regularly. Furthermore, the pruning-compatible plants can be cut back to a height of around 20 to 25 centimeters before they are put into the winter quarters, thus taking up less space. They sprout again in the spring.

Propagate milkweed

Silk plants let through very well sowing multiply, proceeding as follows:

  • advance possible from January / February
  • on Sowing soil or sow coconut
  • do not cover, as light germs
  • place bright, but not directly sunny
  • Seeds germinate at 21 to 24 ° C
  • Always keep the substrate slightly moist, do not let it dry out!
  • Germination time between three and six weeks
  • after pricking

The young plants can finally go outside from the end of May, when the danger of night frosts has been averted.

Older specimens can also be multiplied by division after flowering. To do this, dig them out together with the rhizome and divide them with the help of a sharp knife. Then insert the individual pieces again separately.


Even if silk plants are often touted as hardy: Most species are not or are not. limited. These varieties die above ground over the winter months, but usually sprout again from the underground rhizomes in spring. So that these do not freeze to death in frost, you should cover the root area with brushwood in autumn. It is also important that the plant is protected from moisture in the cold season.

Not hardy species or Specimens cultivated in pots, on the other hand, are light and frost-free, but should be wintered in a cool place at around ten to 14 ° C. Bring them to their winter quarters in autumn as soon as the temperatures drop permanently below ten degrees Celsius. Water the plants only a little in winter and do not fertilize them. In spring, temperatures below 12 ° C or late frosts can be problematic: These delay new growth or growth. ensure that the plant sheds its leaves. Afterwards, the flowering does not start until later.

Hardy silk plants

Only the following types of milkweed are sufficiently hardy and suitable for planting in the garden:

  • Asclepias amplexicaulis: needs dry, sandy subsoil, height up to approx. one meter
  • Asclepias exaltata: Growth height up to about one and a half meters
  • Asclepias fascicularis: adaptable species, occurs in mountains of up to 2100 meters above sea level, lavender to pink flowers
  • Asclepias hirtella: very adaptable, thrives on dry as well as fresh soils, height of growth up to approx. 100 centimeters
  • Asclepias incarnata: swamp milkweed, growth height up to 150 centimeters
  • Asclepias lanuginosa: woolly milkweed, native to Canada
  • Asclepias quadrifolia: often found on mountain slopes in North America

However, these species are also dependent on a favorable, protected location and light protection from the sun - such as a generous cover with spruce branches.

Diseases and pests

Diseases rarely occur in silk plants, only root rot caused by excessive moisture can become problematic. If in doubt, it is better to water too little than too much, especially in potted plants. Furthermore, the different species are susceptible to being infested with the whitefly. Aphids also like to settle on the large leaves.


If the leaves turn yellow in winter quarters, the plant is probably too warm. Temperatures of more than 12 ° C during the winter break weaken the crop and lead to diseases.

Species and varieties

Of the numerous types of silk plants, these are mainly cultivated here:

Indian milkweed (bot. Asclepias curassavica)

This species, also known as the Curaçao silk plant or silk flower, is not hardy and can therefore only be cultivated as a container plant or as an annual in the garden. Between June and August, the species, which grows up to 100 centimeters in height, is delightful with its red-orange flower umbels.

Common milkweed (bot. Asclepias syriaca)

The common milkweed is also known as the parrot tree or Parrot plant known. because their unripe fruits are vaguely reminiscent of a budgie. The hardy species is suitable for outdoor cultivation, but can also be cared for in a bucket. The plant reaches heights of growth of up to 200 meters, has large leaves and flowers from June to August in numerous pink umbels. The perennial, which is rarely found in ornamental gardens, is a valuable bee forage plant.

Swamp milkweed (bot. Asclepias incarnata)

The swamp milkweed also magically attracts bees and butterflies. The species thrives in sunny to partially shaded locations on moist to swampy soils. It is particularly suitable for planting on the banks of garden ponds or other ornamental waters.

Bulbous Milkweed (bot. Asclepias tuberosa)

Those with eye-catching orange flower umbels - which is why they are sometimes called orange milkweed - flowering species, on the other hand, prefers stony, dry ground and sunny locations. The species popular in ornamental gardens is only partially hardy in this country and always needs light winter protection. However, it is also suitable for bucket culture, but then has to overwinter protected from frost.

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