The elephant foot has brown tips

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Why does the elephant foot get brown leaf tips?

The brown tips on your elephant's foot can have various causes. First, see if the tips of the leaves are touching anything, perhaps on the floor, on the windowsill or on the wall. They don't like that at all. In terms of fertilizer the elephant foot is quite uncomplicated. It only needs a few nutrients. Here, too much is more harmful than a deficiency.

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Have you watered your elephant foot regularly? Especially in winter it needs little water and is easily forgotten. If that happened to you too, then to waterThe plant extensively. Make sure you drain excess water out of the pot run so that no waterlogging occurs. This could cause the roots to rot, but also the tips of the leaves to turn brown again.

Possible reasons for brown leaf tips:

  • too much or too little poured
  • too much or too little poured
  • too hard ground
  • Leaves are hitting somewhere
  • hard ground

Can I just cut off the brown tips?

If you disturb the brown tips too much, you can cut them off carefully, but never into the fresh green. This only looks good for a short time, because then the cut edges turn brown again. This happens again after every further pruning. So better leave a little brown residue right away.

What can I do about brown tips in the future?

Make sure that the long leaves don't bump into anything. You might want to raise the elephant's foot to a higher level. Think about watering before the plant is damaged. But don't water too much either, because waterlogging can also cause brown leaf tips.


With a relatively low maintenance effort, you have an attractive one with an elephant foot Houseplant without brown leaf tips.