Gamander honorary award in the profile »All information at a glance

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Other names

Veronica chamaedrys is the botanical name for this plant. It belongs to the plantain family - Plantaginaceae. The vernacular has given it other names: eyebright, female bite, male faithful, wild forget Me Not and thunderstorms.

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Origin and habitat

Originally comes germanderHonorary award probably from West Asia. Nowadays the plant is widespread across Europe. As a so-called Neophyte is also conquering the American continent more and more.

Possible habitats are numerous in number. Germander speedwell can be found in meadows and in sparse forests, as well as under hedges, bushes and along roadsides. However, the plant must get enough sun for it to flower. The flowers stay out in the shade.

Germander speedwell can also settle in private gardens uninvited or even be cultivated there in a targeted manner.

Appearance and stature

  • Lifespan: persistent / perennial
  • Height: 10-35 cm.
  • Flowers: approx. 10 mm wide, four blue petals, two white stamens
  • Flowering period: May to August
  • Leaves: green, 2 to 3 cm long, up to 3 cm wide, notched
  • Fruits: capsule fruits, triangular to heart-shaped

The special thing about the flowers of this plant is their short life. Just two days after opening, the flower has already wilted.


The capsule fruits of this wild plant open when wet and release their seeds. These are known as raindrop walkers because they are spread by rainwater. Wind, ants and “chance” also have a share in the spread.

In contrast, vegetative reproduction takes place via subterranean runners.


For us humans, the Germander Honorary Award is all about it not poisonous. Its flowers and leaves can even be eaten raw or cooked. They should be characterized by a mild taste.

Healing effect

The medicinal properties of germander speedwell were well known in earlier times. Now that medicinal herbs are rarely used, they have been almost completely forgotten. These ingredients are of course still available and waiting to be rediscovered. They are particularly effective at:

  • Wound healing
  • Colds
  • Blood purification
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Metabolic problems

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