Grass mite / autumn grass mite bites in children

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Due to their size of less than a millimeter, grass mites are hardly noticeable until they have stung. They can then leave wheals and, in addition to reddening, also cause extreme itching. Children and people who enjoy being in nature are particularly affected. However, there are many ways to avoid or treat the stings of autumn grass mites.

Grass mites

The representatives of this type of mite, also known as the autumn grass mite, are about 0.7 millimeters in size and reddish in color. Above all, they lurk in tall grass and thick bushes and wait here to be able to pass over to humans and animals. The annoying parasites are particularly numerous in warm, humid weather - for example, in autumn, which gives it its name, but usually already in (late) summer. Special care is advised during this time.


The autumn grass mites are preferred on grasses, but can also be found in shrubs and bushes. Children are therefore more likely to be victims of stings because they not only run across the lawn, but also get a ball out of the bush once and are generally more active in the open air. This often leads to direct contact with plants on which the mites lurk.

Adults are also not immune from the bites of the autumn grass mite, but people who work a lot in the garden, hike or sit unprotected on grass are particularly affected. Regardless of your age, the following measures can prevent the unpleasant stings:
  • Wear long trousers and closed shoes so as not to present a direct target
  • Change and wash clothes after being outdoors
  • Take a shower after a game or a walk
  • Apply repellants such as citronella and eucalyptus or mosquito sprays
  • Do not roam through bushes or sit directly on grass, it is better to have a blanket underneath
  • Regular mowing of the lawn
Tip: If you can't avoid short trousers, you should wash your legs after each time you are outdoors. This also removes the grass mites.


Grass flea - autumn mite life cycleSo that the grass mites do not pose a threat or nuisance, at least in your own garden, deterrent means can be used to drive them away. The specialist trade offers appropriate preparations for this, which can be distributed on the lawn, for example, to keep autumn grass mites away.
When making your selection, it is important that the following points are observed:
  • Means should be safe for bees and other beneficial insects
  • Make sure the deterrents are suitable for pets and humans
  • Take into account the manufacturer's information on the waiting time between spreading out and walking on the lawn
Further steps can also be taken to deter and drive out the autumn grass mites. These include:
  • Keep the lawn short and mow frequently
  • Regular watering or blasting
  • Scarify, because the parasites also feel very comfortable in moss
  • Fertilize with calcium cyanamide
  • Spreading of nematodes


The bites of autumn grass mites are characterized by certain peculiarities - but they are not always clearly recognizable. However, the following information can help differentiate them from other insect stings and bites:
  • Mainly found on thin-skinned areas such as the hollows of the knees and groins
  • Partly small bloodshot puncture sites
  • Wheals, i.e. clearly raised swellings that are hardened and can differ in color from their surroundings
  • Severe itching
  • Pain and tenderness in the affected areas
  • Very slow healing
Tip: The grass mite bites are usually concentrated, isolated bites are rare.


miteGrass mite stings are not threatening in and of themselves and are not known to transmit disease. Nevertheless, they are very uncomfortable due to the severe itching and can become difficult to inflame and leave scars.
It is therefore important to alleviate the itching as much as possible. This is possible with the following measures:
  • Rinse with cold water
  • Use cooling compresses but do not put ice directly on the skin
  • Apply cooling ointments and creams
  • Rinse off with cold water
  • Put pressure on the affected area, for example with a cold spoon
  • Apply insect pen
  • Rub onion or lemon juice on the stings
  • Disinfect stings from autumn grass mites
  • Knock instead of scratching
Tip: The extreme itching causes us to scratch, and scratching injures the skin and germs can penetrate the wound even more easily - it can also promote scarring will. Children should therefore be taught that they will not scratch despite itching. Cooling, tapping and the use of antipruritic agents are better.


It is not always possible to prevent scratching from autumn grass mite bites. This in turn can lead to inflammation as the skin is injured when scratched and germs can penetrate better. So that it doesn't get that far, the stitches should be treated accordingly. The following procedure is recommended:

1. Wash skin and disinfect stitches with a suitable agent.

2. Apply antiseptic and antipruritic ointment, but otherwise keep the skin clean and dry.

3. Prevent warming, sweating and scratching. This is possible, for example, by cooling. In addition, airy clothing should be preferred.

4. If necessary and allergies, remedies should also be used internally to reduce the itching.

Tip: Especially with small children it is difficult to completely prevent scratching. It can help here to use light cotton gloves to prevent bloody wounds.

When to the doctor

miteEven if grass mite bites are not generally dangerous, they can cause considerable discomfort. Infections, wounds and scars as well as allergic reactions are possible. This may require a doctor's visit, especially if it affects children. This is necessary, among other things, if:
  • Infants and young children are affected
  • Very many stitches are present
  • Extreme redness, swelling, and severe itching may occur
  • The skin becomes very hot and swollen
  • Circulatory problems, nausea and dizziness occur


Like children, pets are often more affected by grass mites than adults. They run through grasses and bushes and their fur makes them a large target for the autumn grass mites to attack. So that they do not ingest, feed and distribute the parasites, the following measures are important:
  • Brush animals regularly and bathe them if necessary
  • Use repellants from your vet
  • Have regular check-ups carried out
  • In the case of itching, conduct research into the cause (or have it done)
When dogs and cats roam freely in the garden, their behavior can be a warning. If they scratch themselves frequently, lick their fur excessively or even whiten bald areas, appropriate measures should be taken.