What does the watermelon belong to?

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The origin of the watermelon

The watermelon has its botanical origin in Africawhere there are still wild forms known as tsamma melons today. However, the economically significant ones differ today Varieties of watermelon like the Sugar Baby or the Crimson Sweet, the taste is quite different from their wild relatives. The flesh of the wild forms does not taste as sweet as the cultivated varieties known to us. Rather, it used to be more common in many regions of the tropics and subtropics to use the large ones Watermelon seeds to grind into flour and bake a kind of bread from it. In Europe, watermelons come in between during the main season May and September mostly from the following Countries:

  • Spain
  • Hungary
  • Turkey
  • Israel
  • Iran

also read

  • Plant a watermelon in your own garden or greenhouse
  • Grow the watermelon yourself in the garden or greenhouse
  • Does the melon belong to the fruit or to the vegetable?

The watermelon as an annual plant

Many people tend to classify watermelons as a fruit rather than a vegetable because of their sweet taste and their positioning on the supermarket shelf. In this country, watermelons are usually consumed as a refreshing dessert in midsummer. However, the distinction is correctly made on the basis of a completely different criterion. For this it is important that melons are not only closely related to cucumbers, but also grow on annual plants like other vegetables. To the

Harvest time the tendrils of the watermelon die between the fruits, new plants for the garden will be out of the next season Seeds inside the fruit drawn. Consumption as a dessert or a savory side dish are not important for this classification, after all Due to the ripening on perennial plants, the fruits of the olive tree also correctly become fruit counted.

Sweet and savory varieties of watermelon

Watermelons are not only enjoyed as a sweet fruit refreshment all over the world. In Russia there are recipes for spicy pickled watermelons as long-life vegetable garnish very popular.

Tips & Tricks

The kernels of the watermelon can also be eaten as a tasty snack if they are roasted in a pan like sunflower kernels and seasoned with a little salt.

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