Awake time and important information

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Waking up the abundant harvest from the garden as a precautionary measure in winter is not only worthwhile because of the excellent freshness, but also financially. And those who already have the freezer full can simply imitate what Rudolph Rempel did at the end of the 19th century. Century registered as a patent and Johann Weck has further developed suitable for the masses - Einwecken….
The preservation in the glass, however, has one decisive factor compared to other preservation methods Disadvantage: Heating to over 100 ° C has a different effect than pasteurization (short-term heating with Max. 74 ° C) that vitamins and flavorings are partially killed, the nutrient content drops and both appearance and taste suffer from the heat.

also read

  • Preserve vegetables tasty
  • Boiling down compote: preserving your own harvest
  • Boiling fruit: this is how you have to proceed

Preserving times for common types of fruit and vegetables

The following figures are guidelines, which can be obtained by pre-cooking (10-15 minutes or 20 - 30 minutes with fruit or Vegetables).

Cooking time in minutes Preserving temperature in ° C
Soft fruit 20 to 30 80
Stone fruit 25 to 30 80
Pome fruit 30 to 40 90
Beans and peas 120 98
Cauliflower and kohlrabi 90 98
tomatoes 20 to 30 98
root vegetable 60 to 90 98
mushrooms 60 98

What needs to be considered when boiling down

  • Process only freshly harvested, undamaged fruit and vegetables;
  • Make sure that the glasses, lids and preserving containers are absolutely clean;
  • Fill the glasses up to two centimeters below the rim, then fill up with liquid;
  • Let the glasses cool down slowly after they have been boiled down and then store them in the cellar in a cool, dry place protected from light;
  • Regularly check canned food for mold growth and, if necessary, discard;
  • Use opened glasses as soon as possible

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