Sage »The herb likes this location best

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The ideal light and temperature conditions

As most Species of sage come from southern climes, they are among the sun worshipers. If you plant the herb in a sunny, warm location, you will benefit from the maximum amount of aroma and taste. Only in the course of the sowing or propagation, the young plants linger in a partially shaded place. Sage that has been bought ready-made should harden in the light shade for 1-2 weeks before planting in the garden.

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In this soil, sage unfolds its full potential

It is a balanced combination of soil, light and temperature conditions that brings out the best from sage. So give the before planting floor Your horticultural attention. That's what matters:

  • Nutrient-rich, humus soil
  • Fine crumbly and airy
  • Well drained and moderately dry
  • Gladly with a slight lime content
  • Without the risk of waterlogging

So comes a looser Garden soil made of clay and sand meet the requirements of the location very well. When in doubt, soil additives compensate for small defects, such as sifted compost, sand, fine-grain gravel, rotted manure and lime. If there is any uncertainty about the lime content, a test from the hardware store provides information. A pH of 7 to 8 is desirable.

Tips & Tricks

Sage in the pot preferred for that wintering a bright, frost-free winter quarters. If the temperatures fluctuate between 5 and 10 degrees, the herbal plant will get through the cold season in good health. Only a few tropical species are suitable for a location on the warm windowsill.


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