Planting pecans »This is how the cultivation works

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Which location do pecan trees prefer?

Pecans love it warm. A place with direct sunlight offers the best growing conditions.

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Choose the place carefully, because the tree cannot be transplanted later because of its long tap roots.

What should the soil be like?
The soil must be as deep as possible because of the tap roots. The tree grows best on nutritious soil. Waterlogging should be avoided because it damages the roots.

  • Loosen the soil deeply
  • Remove thickenings
  • Enrich with ripe compost

When are the trees best planted?

The best time to plant is in early autumn. But pecans can still be planted in spring. It is important that they get enough water during the growing season without waterlogging.

What is the distance between pecans and other trees?

Pecan trees grow up to 35 meters tall. The distance to other plants should be at least ten meters.

When and how are pecans harvested?

It takes five to eight years for the first harvest.

The nuts are ripe in October. Ripeness can be recognized when the pecans' shells begin to open and the nuts fall to the ground.

You can gently shake the branches so that ripe fruit will fall down. You shouldn't pick the nuts. The shaking should be done very carefully, otherwise the tree will not bear so well for the next year.

How are pecans propagated?

The nuts, which ripen in the rather soft shells, are used to multiply.

Can you grow a tree from pecans?

Pecans made from nut mixes are generally unsuitable for growing a pecan tree from them. You can get good seeds from specialist dealers.

It is very difficult for the seeds to germinate if they are grown in a pot. It therefore makes more sense to buy a preferred sapling in stores. Local tree nurseries rarely sell pecan trees, but they can be ordered online from special mail order nurseries.

Tips & Tricks

In the US, every 14th April is the "day of the pecan". The tree is also the national tree of Texas.


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