Increase sloe »The options at a glance

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One bush is enough to grow a number of sloes

If you need a lot of sloes because you are planning to create an almost impenetrable hedge, you can grow many small sloes from a mother plant yourself in a very short time. Keep in mind, however, that the blackthorn grows just 8 inches per year and it will take some time for the property boundary to reach the desired density and height.

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You can get the blackthorn through:

  • sowing
  • Cuttings
  • Sinker
  • Separation of the root runners

multiply easily yourself.

Offspring from seeds

Despite the fact that germination requires a little patience, the sloe can be reliably propagated from the fruit. In the fall, collect some ripe sloe fruits and completely free them from the pulp. Store the relatively large stones in the refrigerator during winter and sow them out in early spring. Alternatively, you can bury the seeds in soil or sand and overwinter them outdoors.

Propagation by cuttings

Cut sections of annual rods that should be about eight inches long between November and February. The end piece of the cuttings must show a bud so that a new plant can reliably develop from the cuttings. Store the seedlings in a cool, frost-free room during the winter months. In spring, the cuttings are stuck vertically into the earth at the desired location and watered regularly. This method is suitable for both planting an entire sloe hedge and for growing one Sloe bonsaithat you can shape into an attractive miniature sloe after sprouting.

Propagation by subsidence

Bend one of the outer branches of the mother plant to the ground and weigh it down with a sufficiently large stone. If enough roots have formed on the sinker after a few weeks, you can dig it up and move it.

Propagation by root runners

Like the vinegar tree, the sloe also forms subterranean runners from which new young plants subsequently develop. Separate this and transplant the small blackthorn to the desired location.

Tips & Tricks

The root runners of the blackthorn can be up to ten meters long. One about 50 centimeters deep Root lock Concrete is therefore strongly recommended in the home garden.