Horn meal: with fertilizer against clover in the lawn

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Klee has no place in a well-tended lawn. However, when there is a nutritional deficiency, the weeds can spread unhindered. Horn fertilizer counteracts this.

Clover in the lawn

All types of clover grow in the lawn when the grass lacks so many nutrients that it can no longer assert itself against the weeds. Clover species have the ability to produce nitrogen themselves via nodule bacteria, so they are independent of nitrogen fertilization. You also benefit from the good site conditions, as the green areas are mostly sunny and also humid due to irrigation.

Note: Since clover in the lawn indicates a nitrogen deficiency, other nutrients may still be in abundance.

Properties horn meal

Horn shavings are suitable as fertilizer for green spaces due to the following properties:

  • consists of the horn or the claws of animals for slaughter
  • available in different grain sizes
  • Nitrogen content between 12 to 15 percent
  • Shelf life indefinitely

The horn components are broken down in the soil by microorganisms, releasing nitrogen, which in turn the plants consume. There are no residues left on the lawn.

Horn fertilizer grain sizes

Horn fertilizer: horn meal


Dr. Eugene Lehle, Horn meal, edited by home garden, CC BY-SA 3.0]

The natural fertilizer is available in different grinds. Depending on the situation, not only are the bits larger, the effect also changes. The larger the pieces of horn, the longer it takes for the microorganisms in the soil to decompose. Accordingly, the effect sets in later, but lasts longer.

Horn meal

  • less than 1 mm grain size
  • quicker effect
  • repeat more often
  • lasts for one to two months

Horn semolina

  • between 1 and 5 mm grain size
  • Effect starts with a delay
  • lasts two to three months

Horn shavings

  • over 5 mm grain size
  • slow action
  • longer lasting
  • up to four months
Horn fertilizer: horn shavings

[Dr. Eugene Lehle, Horn shavings, edited by home garden, CC BY-SA 3.0]

Usage tips

  1. Well-cared for soil is a prerequisite for the horn fertilizer to work properly. It must be rich in humus and well ventilated. If horn meal is applied in spring, scarify the lawn beforehand. In addition, water the green area when it is dry, slightly damp but not wet soils are preferred by the decomposing microorganisms.
  2. Since horn shavings are a pure nitrogen fertilizer, a soil analysis can be useful. It shows which nutrients are missing and which are possibly too much. For the soil analysis, cut out a piece of lawn and set it aside. Take some of the soil underneath for the sample, then fill it up with new soil and put the sod back on.
  3. If the soil analysis is too laborious, compost can be an alternative. This supplements any missing nutrients without burdening the grass or over-fertilizing.
  4. The right time is in spring when the grass begins to grow and then continuously at appropriate intervals until late summer. Then the fertilization is stopped. Alternatively, horn fertilizer can be applied at any time as soon as weeds appear on the lawn.

  5. Horn shavings usually work better when they are incorporated into the soil. This is a little difficult in lawns. It is best to distribute the fertilizer between the grass with a rake and then water the area. This allows horn meal in particular to penetrate the soil more easily.
  6. Horn manure is non-toxic and does not harm pets, but gloves should be worn when working. The direction of the wind also plays a role, as horn meal in particular is so fine that it can be inhaled quickly.
    Note: Does the dog eat horn shavings, whether from the sack or from the bed or out of the grass, it usually doesn't harm him. However, the unfamiliar food or larger quantities can lead to digestive disorders.
  7. The application rate depends on the plants to be fertilized and is between 60 and 150 grams. Lawn needs a lot of nutrients to displace clover, so it is based on the maximum amount. Whereby horn fertilizer cannot be over-fertilized.

Advantages & disadvantages of horn fertilizer


  • easy to spread, either by hand or with a shovel / spreader
  • Long-term effect, next fertilization in a few weeks
  • organic natural fertilizer
  • does not cause burns to plant roots, nutrients are first converted
  • pH neutral, also suitable for plants that prefer acidic locations
  • Long shelf life, horn fertilizer does not go bad, use is possible even after years
  • contain no phosphate, relieves areas that are over-fertilized with phosphate


  • pure nitrogen fertilizer, other nutrients must be added if necessary
  • store moist horn fertilizer quickly and in a dry place
  • Moisture causes nitrogen to be released prematurely
  • not vegan, horn fertilizer is not suitable for a vegan lifestyle
  • Dust formation from horn meal, even with little or no wind
  • unpleasant smell of the fertilizer

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