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What to look for when trees are supposed to be a little work

Most fruit trees produce delicious fruit, but they also require a lot of effort: you need to be cut regularly and correctly, also need fertilizer and at some times also Water. In addition, there is a lot of work to be done during harvest if the apples, pears or cherries should not rot on the tree. In addition to these factors, the following also determine the intensity of care of a tree species.

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First of all, a tree is easier to handle the better it fits the selected location. So analyze the lighting conditions and the soil composition as well as the ones in advance expected final size and width of the tree and choose the tree species according to these criteria the end. If the location doesn't fit one hundred percent, you will always come back

measures must take to make it "suitable" anyway - for example with special fertilization or, due to lack of space and a tree that is too large, regular pruning measures.


Many exotic tree species are not used to our climate and therefore need special attention over the winter months. Again, this is not necessary if you are aware of the adaptability and the actual climate in advance Hardiness pay attention to the tree species. Native species naturally do particularly little work in this area. So if you prefer typical forest trees such as maple, beech, linden, oak or wild fruit such as service tree, Cornelian cherry, Rock pear Etc. - of course only if there is space in the garden, as many of the species mentioned very large can be.

Foliage / flowers / fruits

Deciduous trees that fall ye leaves shed and bloom in spring and autumn fruit often cause a lot of dirt and thus a lot of work: fallen flowers and pollen in spring, fallen fruits or Fall fruit and lots of slippery leaves may need to be removed. You can safely leave all of this behind (autumn foliage even offers some advantages, as it is in winter The tree's root area protects and rots acts as a natural fertilizer), but only on its own Property. If, on the other hand, leaves and fruits fall on public land, cleaning is mandatory. The problem does not apply if you plant conifers instead of deciduous trees.


Also pay attention to whether the tree is about a special one that can only be preserved by pruning Crown shape owns. Naturally growing trees are significantly less labor intensive.