Repot or transplant rosemary »Here's how

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Transplanting in the garden

Transplanting rosemary that has been planted in the garden can be necessary for various reasons, be it because the shrub is getting too big, the location is not ideal or for design reasons Motivations. In principle, it is possible to implement a rosemary, but you should think about this step carefully beforehand. Rosemary is quite capricious and unpredictable, and you never know how your bush will react. In the worst case, it just dies. If you still want to take the risk, try this way:

  • First of all: Prune the rosemary vigorously and remove all diseased and withered parts.
  • Take a pitchfork or a spade fork.
  • With the help of this tool, carefully dig up the rosemary.
  • Be careful not to damage the roots as much as possible.
  • Lift out the plant.
  • Now dig as deep a hole as possible in the designated place.
  • Mix if necessary specially made herbal soil.
  • Put the rosemary in the planting hole and shovel the soil into it.
  • Make sure that there are no cavities.
  • Finally, squeeze the rosemary well and water it.
  • Now you can cover the bed with pebbles or crushed stone.

also read

  • Pour the rosemary only a little
  • Do not overwinter rosemary without protection
  • Rosemary loves a sunny location

Of course, instead of replanting the plant in the garden, you can instead put in a saucepan.

Repot the rosemary

Rosemary should be moved to a larger planter about every two years. The new pot is optimally sized when it is about a third larger than the plant.

  • Mix the plant substrate.
  • Put a layer of pebbles or pebbles in the new pot Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) and only then a layer of earth.
  • Take the old pot in your hand and tap it all around.
  • This should detach the earth from the walls of the pot.
  • Now take the upper surface in your hand and hold the pot upside down.
  • Gently pull out the plant.
  • Check the roots for damage and signs of rot.
  • If necessary, cut them away.
  • Now put the plant in the new pot and fill it with substrate.
  • Here, too, there must be no cavities.
  • Squeeze the rosemary well and water it.

Tips & Tricks

When repotting, pay more attention to brown parts of the plant, white spots, cobwebs or traces of eating - these are a Signs of a pest infestation.


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