Here's how to do it step by step

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Prepare marjoram for freezing

To harvest It is best to remove the marjoram stalks in the morning. You should avoid washing and chopping if possible. As a result, a lot of aroma is lost.

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This is how the herb is frozen

What you need to freeze:

  • Baking sheet or board
  • freeze bag
  • Fresh marjoram

Place the whole stalks side by side on the baking sheet or board.

Put the freezer as cold as possible and leave the tray or board in it until the herbs are frozen through.

Then place the stems in a freezer bag and store them in the freezer until they are used.

Make herbal cubes

You have a little more work to do if you want to make herb cubes from marjoram. This method is particularly recommended if you had to wash the marjoram beforehand.

Cut the stems into small pieces, put them in an ice cube tray and pour enough water into the cubes to completely cover the herbs. Wrap the ice cube tray in a freezer bag and let the herbs freeze.

You can then remove the herb cubes from the ice cube tray and store them in the freezer bag in the freezer for up to six months.

Make herbal mixtures

Unlike in the garden, marjoram also goes well in the freezer thyme and other herbs. Simply put together your own herbal mixture from different herbs.

The frozen herbs can be added to the dishes in the frozen state and thus give your dishes a very individual touch.

Drying is preferable

When you have the opportunity, Drying marjoram, you should prefer this method of preservation. The aroma is better preserved and the herb is easier to portion.

Tips & Tricks

marjoram is one of the most aromatic herbs from your own garden. Its taste easily overshadows all other spices. Use marjoram sparingly and in the kitchen sow Do not use herbs in the garden.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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