When and how is it done?

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Cut the rhizomes

When the rhizomes of canna are outside the earth, they can be cut up. This is the point of that Canna multiply. It is enough to have one for this spade or pick up a knife and cut through the rhizomes. Every piece that is to become a plant should one eye (Outlet point).

also read

  • Is canna poisonous?
  • Canna: When is planting time?
  • Extend and intensify the flowering time of canna

Cutting the rhizomes has the side effect that a single plant gets more strength, because there are no side shoots. The cut is therefore worthwhile when the flower tube is getting on in years, has multiplied strongly via runners and is to be rejuvenated.

Cut the stems and leaves

Canna leaves and stems should be cut in the fall. But be careful: You shouldn't cut them before they have yellowed or look brown and dried out. By then they will produce important nutrients for the flowers in the coming year. These nutrients get into the rhizomes and are stored there.

This is how it is done:

  • Cut the leaves and stems back to 5 cm
  • Put parts of plants on the compost or dispose
  • Time for the cut: towards the end of October
  • then: dig up rhizomes and overwinter

Cut the flowers

the Canna flowers do not necessarily have to be cut off. It is enough to pluck off the withered petals during the summer. This has the advantage that new flowers develop on the stem and the flowering period lasts until autumn.

Attention: Basically, the flowers of Canna are not very suitable for vase cutting or cutting. Bouquets suitable. They do not last long away from the plant and quickly wither. It is better to leave them on the plant where they will be present for a long time.

Tips & Tricks

Use tools or equipment to cut the flower tube at any time. Tools that are cleaned. Should foci of disease such as spores from mildew are concerned, they can attack the previously healthy plant.