Divide and hibernate rhizomes

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How to divide the rhizomes

The rhizomes of canna can serve to propagate this tropical plant. To do this, they are shared. This method of propagation is the sowing preferable. The success rate is higher and the dividing is done faster than the sowing.

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  • How can canna be shared?
  • Can you hibernate canna outside?
  • Is canna poisonous?

In the spring before planting the rhizomes with a spade to be shared. share Them so that you get small pieces. Each piece should have at least one eye exhibit. The canna sprouts from this later.

How can the rhizomes be overwintered?

Since the flower tube is sensitive to frost and temperatures below 0 ° C mean the end of it, it should be overwintered. The rhizomes are overwintered. Before this, the canna is cut down to the ground.

Dig up and clean rhizomes

If you cut back your canna in autumn, you should look at the leaves beforehand. The plant should not be pruned until its leaves have turned brown. The rhizomes draw nutrients from them that they need for the next year. After excavation, the rhizomes are freed from soil, for example shaken or brushed off.

Quarter and hibernate rhizomes

For the winter you should choose a place with temperatures between 5 and 10 ° C. Caution: when it is warmer, the canna will sprout. You simply stick the rhizomes in sand or soil, for example in a box or a pot.

Canna rhizomes: edible and nutritious

If you have a large amount of rhizomes and don't want to plant them all, you still don't have to compost them. The rhizomes are not poisonousbut can be eaten. She:

  • contain high levels of starch
  • taste sweet, floury
  • must be cooked for several hours (a lot of solid fibers)
  • are used in Asia for the production of glass noodles

Tips & Tricks

Do not plant the rhizomes in the open ground too early in spring. Wait until the ice saints in May are over. Then there is usually no longer any risk of frost.