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Location-related causes

In most cases, it is site-related causes that weaken the water lily so much that it does not want to grow. These causes can be, for example:

  • Water is too cold
  • Location is too shady
  • Competition is displacing the water lily
  • Water is too low in oxygen
  • Water is too restless z. B. flowing, bubbles, fountains, etc.

also read

  • The water lily does not bloom - tips and solutions
  • Water lily: which species are hardy?
  • Water lily: Native and tropical specimens overwinter

Furthermore, something may have gone wrong with the planting. You may have planted your water lily too deep and it is having trouble reaching the surface of the water. Depending on the type and variety, the water depth should be measured.

In addition, too little space has a negative effect on the growth of the water lilies. The floating leaves of water lilies need sufficient space on the surface of the water. It is important that they are not overgrown by other plants.

Care-related causes

Usually water lilies do not need special care. It all depends on that

Fertilize at. If too much fertilization is used, the water lilies can die. Too much fertilizer tips the environment in the pond and the water lilies die.

On the other hand, a lack of nutrients has a negative impact on growth. When there is a lack of nutrients, the leaves of water lilies are often pale green to yellow in color. In this case it helps if you Long-term fertilizer pellets Spread around the root area of ​​the plant.

Other causes

There are other causes that can inhibit growth. This includes Diseases. It is not uncommon for water lilies to be attacked by fungal pathogens. They destroy the foliage, roots and / or stems. The plant then no longer grows. In addition, a pest infestation, which is accompanied by massive feeding damage, can lead to growth stoppage.

Also a wrong one wintering has a fatal effect on poorly hardy water lilies. Tropical species in particular freeze to death unprotected in the wild. They should be relocated in the fall.


If you put your water lily in a Plant basket(€ 17.17 at Amazon *) you can change location or change your location at any time. a change in planting undertake when the growth has fallen asleep.

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