Are they poisonous?

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Lurks in unripe tomatoes - poisonous solanine

Solanine is ubiquitous in nightshade plants. The poisonous alkaloid is used in tomatoes and potatoes to ward off Pests . The content is particularly high in unripe, green fruits. Eating a single tomato weighing 80 to 100 grams causes severe stomach pain and nausea. With advancing Maturity the solanine concentration then drops rapidly.

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  • Are Tomatoes Poisonous to Dogs?
  • Can tomatoes be harvested green?

The harmful alkaloid should also not be underestimated in green areas of semi-ripe tomatoes. In addition, solanine is found in all green parts of the plant, including the stems, leaves and flowers. The appearance is not to be confused with the tomato disease called Green collar . The damage appears in the form of a green ring at the base of the stem, while the fruit is otherwise colored red.

What to do if frost force you to harvest green tomatoes?

If the temperatures drop, the last tomatoes ripen in the Outdoors

and on the balcony no longer off. Although they are still green and therefore rich in solanine, the delicious fruits do not have to end up in the rubbish bin. You can do a little with the following measures Tuition with tires :

  • all tomatoes to harvest that turn yellow or red at the base of the stem
  • Fruits with rotten and moldy Sort out and dispose of places
  • Wrap tomatoes suitable for post-ripening in newspaper
  • Store in a partially shaded, warm place at 18 to 20 degrees until ripe
  • alternatively put in a large cardboard box with a ripe banana or an apple

If a tomato plant is still bearing a lot of unripe fruit, dig up the specimen completely. Take the plant to the warm boiler room, tie a string around the root neck and hang it upside down. With this version of post-ripening, the amount of light is of secondary importance. In view of the dry air, a daily check for pests and pests is necessary Diseases indispensable.

Exception to the rule - green varieties of tomatoes

Some Varieties of tomatoes keep their green color when fully ripe. In this case the solanine content has decreased to a negligible concentration. This applies, among other things, to:

  • the stake tomato 'Aunt Ruby’s German Green'
  • the beefsteak tomato 'Cherokee Green'
  • the cocktail tomato 'Green Doctors'

To determine the degree of ripeness, press lightly on the fruit. If it feels soft, it is ripe and can be consumed without hesitation.

Tips & Tricks

Solanine is an extremely resilient alkaloid. It is of no use, immature, green tomatoes to boil or fry. The poison does not dissolve under the influence of heat. Prepared to make jam, a few tablespoons of sugar reduce the solanine content by 35 percent.

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