Pull garlic yourself »It's that easy

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Planting time is twice a year

It's twice a year Planting time for garlic. In February or October, you can put garlic to your heart's content. Seeds that you plant in autumn score with a larger volume because they are allowed to mature longer in the ground.

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In which locations does garlic thrive particularly well?

Those who carefully choose the location for garlic will be rewarded with an exceptionally aromatic one harvest :

  • a sunny, rain-protected location is ideal
  • nutrient-rich soil, rich in humus
  • preferably loamy, slightly sandy and fresh

You can grow garlic yourself in the bucket on the sun-drenched balcony. Special ones are suitable as a substrate Vegetable soil from specialist shops, mixed with a little sand.

Practical instructions for planting toes and seeds

The garlic cloves are just as suitable for sticking as the small purple-colored seeds. Let a cut onion dry for a few days and sort out any rotten pieces.

  • Rake the bed soil deeply and weed it meticulously
  • Incorporate well-rotted, sifted compost
  • Plant each toe 5-7 cm deep, point up
  • the planting depth for bulbs is 2-3 cm
  • a planting distance of 15-20 cm is considered optimal

You will make the following maintenance work easier if you keep a row spacing of 45-50 cm. If the plants do not touch, this also effectively prevents rot.

Little maintenance effort for spicy enjoyment

If you use garlic following these instructions plant, the maintenance effort is reduced to a minimum:

  • weed weeds regularly
  • Do not let plants dry out
  • loosen the soil repeatedly
  • cover the autumn planting with straw and leaves in winter

The extent to which you apply fertilizer is up to you to decide. Mineral fertilizers are rarely desired for food plants. Every now and then a little compost compensates for any nutrient deficits in the poor soil.

Tips & Tricks

Permanent wetness harms garlic much more than frosty temperatures. So that the plants are protected from rain in winter, leave your tomato houses after the harvest and put the garlic there.


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