Create a vertical garden indoors

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Types of construction for indoor vertical gardens

If a completely green wall is to be created, the wall should be protected with a waterproof layer. However, there are other, less complex types of construction that do not require this measure:

  • stacked flower boxes
  • Shelf boards fastened one above the other with closely packed plants
  • Plant bags
  • "Living" picture frames
  • Hang plants in glasses, cans and flower pots on the wall (Instructions here)
  • Lay out pallets with foil and plant them (Instructions here)

also read

  • Vertical garden on the balcony
  • Build a vertical garden yourself
  • Vertical garden with vegetables and herbs

These plants are eligible

In principle, you can of course use all indoor plants for your vertical garden. However, plants that grow bushy, hang or climb are often used for wall gardens so that they appear as dense as possible. Flowering plants are rarely processed. Here are a few ideas:

  • Maidenhair fern and other ferns
  • Mosses
  • Bob hair
  • Green lily
  • Efeutute
  • Shame flower
  • bamboo
  • Herbs for the edible vertical garden

When creating a vertical garden, it is not only a question of the correct selection of plants but also of their arrangement. We have put together some great ideas for you here.
Also make sure that the neighboring plants need a similar amount of water.

Watering the wall garden indoors

Prefabricated vertical gardens from specialist retailers are usually provided with automatic irrigation, where water trickles down continuously from above or at certain times of the day, and so do all plants watered. Such a sophisticated system can only be produced to a limited extent by yourself. You can e.g. B. a Water hose Place them in your planters, fix them in place and poke several small holes in them. However, you should work very carefully here so that no water flows next to it. To water, just connect the hose and turn on the tap for a few minutes.

Vertical garden lighting inside

Vertical gardens not only loosen up a living space during the day, they can also have a beautiful effect at night - especially when they are illuminated. Spotlights that are aimed at the wall are one solution, another is to build waterproof fairy lights or individual lights into the wall so that the green wall shines from the inside out. Solar lights, such as those that you put in the garden, would also be conceivable. If your wall garden is in a darker part of your home, you can support the growth of the plants with the help of UV light lamps.

Maintaining the wall garden indoors

A wall garden, like all gardens, is work. They should:

  • water regularly.
  • check regularly for leaks.
  • Remove dried or dead plant parts.
  • every few months fertilize.
  • react quickly to pests and diseases and remove diseased or infested plants or place them in quarantine.
  • Prune or replace plants that have grown too large.

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