OrchardSoft Fruit And BerriesCultivated Blueberries: 4 Important Location Criteria

Cultivated blueberries: 4 important location criteria

Cultivated blueberries come from crosses with the American species "Vaccinium corymbosum". This species is mainly found in the humid north such as around Minnesota or in the warm and also humid south of Florida.Exposure to sunlightThe native form of the blueberry is mostly found in dense and shady forests. This is exactly what the cultivated blueberry does not appreciate at all. It loves the direct sun and with constant solar radiation it also produces clearly more aromatic fruits.The locatio...

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OrchardSoft Fruit And Berries

Honey berry, Lonicera kamtschatica: 12 tips on location & care

The honey berry bears the botanical name Lonicera kamtschatica and is also known in this country as the may berry. The fruit-bearing plant is relatively easy to care for and adapts very well to the local conditions.LocationAs the botanical name suggests, the honeyberry comes from the Siberian peninsula of Kamchatka and inhabits light coniferous forests and rugged mountainous landscapes in its original homeland. Since the resilient plant is used to extreme site conditions, there are no problem...

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OrchardSoft Fruit And Berries

Schisandra chinensis, Wu Wei Zi berries

Unlike the berry bushes we know, the Wu Wei Zi berry is a fast-growing climbing plant that likes to climb up to five meters in height. In the local gardens it is not only popular as a delicious and, above all, very healthy berry, but also as a privacy screen. Because Schisandra chinensis is also very decorative to look at with its deep red leaves and bright red fruits. In Chinese teaching, it has been considered a panacea for almost every disease for over 2000 years. Her name Wu Wei Zi also t...

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OrchardSoft Fruit And Berries

Sow the strawberries and bring them to the front

The children should learn how "nature works"; the garden is new and the gardener curious; the money for young plants should rather go to the money box for more important purchases - there are many reasons to sow plants yourself. The strawberry is one of the best plants for first attempts at sowing: Fragaria has its botanical species name "vesca" ("edible") We get our forest strawberries because we have been collecting and eating them since the Stone Age (because strawberries grew everywhere)....

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OrchardSoft Fruit And Berries

Is Physalis Healthy? Profile with ingredients, vitamins & effects

The decorative fruits of the Cape gooseberry or physalis are often used to decorate desserts, cakes or cocktails. But the berry fruit can do a lot more, because it is very healthy, very rich in vitamins and, above all, delicious. Originally from Peru, the fruits are now mainly grown in South Africa. Because of its origin, it is also known as the Andean fruit. How healthy the fruit really is and what it can do is briefly explained in the following article.originThe name Andean berry, as the ph...

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OrchardSoft Fruit And Berries

Fight lice on currants

Aphids pose a threat to currants in home gardens. The pests suck out the leaves and thereby damage the shoots. In this way, infestation with the voracious insects prevents a good harvest. For successful control, shrubs should be checked regularly for the first signs. Natural home remedies are always preferable in order not to harm your own health or the environment.Damage imageIn the south of Germany, Austria and South Tyrol, currants are also known as currants. The native shrubs are mainly a...

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OrchardSoft Fruit And Berries

10 good neighbors of raspberries

In the garden, the close coexistence of plants cannot be avoided. But raspberries are picky and do not go well with every crop. However, some neighbors turn out to be true benefactors.Mixed culture is usefulRaspberry plants, botanically Rubus idaeus, spend their entire lifespan in one place. They leach out the soil on one side, making it increasingly easier for diseases and pests to spread. Practical experience with these berry plants has shown that they do one with some other plants Can form...

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OrchardSoft Fruit And BerriesBlackberry Location: 4 Important Criteria

Blackberry location: 4 important criteria

Blackberries are undemanding woody plants and can grow almost anywhere. However, only in locations where optimal conditions prevail do they develop considerable heights of several meters and bear a lot of fruit.Exposure to sunlightContrary to popular belief that blackberries like shady locations, they tend to prefer sunny locations. You can only plant the bushes in partial shade, but there you have to expect yield losses. For example, locations on a south-facing house wall are ideal. However,...

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OrchardSoft Fruit And Berries

When are gooseberries ripe? How to harvest the berries correctly

The anticipation is great when the auspicious berries gather in droves on the gooseberry bush. Good to know that the tempting fruits don't have a fixed harvest date. Rather, the type and intended use dictate the ideal point in time. Picking gooseberries half-ripe can even be beneficial. Get to know all the options here for carefree fruit enjoyment from your own cultivation. This guide explains when and how to properly harvest the berries.The time window for the harvest opens at the end of Jun...

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OrchardSoft Fruit And Berries

Pokeweed plants against snails

There are quite a few types of pokeweed. The Asian pokeweed is the most common in our country. The plants grow wild. As a rule, they are not very popular and are even on the black list in some European countries - on the red list in Germany.The pokeweed looks great, especially its inflorescences. However, it is poisonous and it is spreading rapidly. The American pokeweed is even more poisonous than the Asian one. In the Asian variant, the fruit stands are upright, while in the American varian...

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