LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Lavender tree: Lavender as a tree for beds and pots

When you think of lavender, you probably think of wide beds full of purple flowers. We show that lavender can also be planted as a tree in beds and pots.A standard lavender is guaranteed to draw everyone's attention [Photo: H-AB Photography/]The Lavender Tree (Lavandula) can hardly be found in domestic gardens. The designation as a tree or perennial is actually nonsense in this context, because botanically, lavender is one of the subshrubs. These naturally lignify with increa...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Watering lavender: When & how much is needed?

Lavender is adapted to the Mediterranean climate and requires little water. You can find out here what you should still bear in mind when watering lavender.When lavender is watered properly, its scent and purple flowers are an asset to any garden [Photo: Jeanette Dietl/]lavender (Lavandula) is relatively undemanding in cultivation and easy to care for. However, the Mediterranean herb does not tolerate cold and moisture well. In the worst case, waterlogging can cause the roots...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Cutting lavender: tips & tricks from the experts

Lavender can be found in almost every garden, but it does not bloom splendidly everywhere. Proper pruning is one way to bloom.With lavender, the right cut is an important prerequisite for magnificent flowers [Photo: freya-photographer/]the True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is an absolute classic in the garden. But it doesn't always want to bloom as lavishly and magnificently as its owner would like. This is often due to a bad cut or no cut at all, because there are many ...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Growing French Lavender: Location, Care & Co.

The French lavender attracts attention thanks to its flower shape and intense colour. We show what you need to consider when growing in your own garden.The French lavender impresses with its large and brightly colored bracts [Photo: aniana/]the French lavender (Lavandula stoechas) belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae). He is related to the famous real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and the spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia). Nevertheless, the French lavender stands out ...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Drying lavender: tips for storage & further use

The scent of lavender only really unfolds when it dries. Here we show you how to dry lavender and where the flowers are used.Lavender flowers can be easily dried [Photo: Nitr/]The fragrant lavender (Lavandula) was already known to the ancient Egyptians, who used it to embalm their dead. Later, lavender gave the Romans courage before approaching battles and served them as a medicinal plant for soldiers. Today mostly the dried blossoms of the real lavender (Lavandula angustifol...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

White Lavender: Properties & Claims

When you think of lavender, the colors blue and violet immediately come to mind. But do you already know white lavender? We present the oddity.An unusual sight: white lavender [Photo: Edita Medeina/]The white flowering one is completely different from its brothers lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) fresh, brightening and versatile in flower boxes and perennial beds. At first, the color change only happened by chance among the purple lavender varieties, but for some time now, s...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Fertilize and lime lavender: tips on how to proceed

Lavender is used to barren soil. You can find out here whether it still needs to be fertilized and what the liming of lavender is all about.Lavender is a fairly undemanding plant, but it can grow even better with fertilization [Photo: bane.m/]the True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is not very demanding on the soil in which it is planted and does not need much to take root. Its home is in the Mediterranean region, which is why it is used to dry, nutrient-poor and stony soi...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Types of lavender: This is how you can distinguish the varieties

The nature of lavender is more diverse than meets the eye and includes many varieties. We will help you to choose between Crested Lavender, Speik Lavender and Real Lavender.The lavender genus includes 30 different species [Photo: Melanie Hobson/]The genus lavender (Lavandula) belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae). It includes around 30 different species, most of which grow as subshrubs or shrubs. In addition to the classic purple flowers, some of the species also offer a lit...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

French lavender blossoms: worth knowing about care

The Schopflavendel actually impresses with its extraordinary flowers. But what to do if there is no flowering? We have advice for you.French lavender is particularly noticeable because of its pronounced bracts [Photo: Jeanette Teare/]the French lavender (Lavandula stoechas) attracts attention with its colored, large bracts at the top of the spike-shaped inflorescence and is a delight in the home garden. Different varieties cover a wide color spectrum that includes white, ligh...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

French lavender care: cutting, overwintering & Co.

With proper care, the French lavender delights with eye-catching inflorescences. We show how to properly cut French lavender and overwinter.A little care is needed to enjoy the beautiful blooms of French lavender [Photo: janaph/]the French lavender (Lavandula stoechas) belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae). He is related to the famous real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and the spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia). Nevertheless, the French lavender stands out thanks to it...

  • 19-Mar-2022
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