table of contentsMagical flowersHeydayFlower formationFlowering phasesPromote floweringFreesias as cut flowersFreesias give off a magical scent. That could be the main reason why these African flowers found their way to us. At first they only came to our home as cut flowers and potted plants. In the meantime, breeders have given newly created varieties a certain resistance to cold. These can also show their flowers in the garden. But when can we expect the colorful and fragrant works? What in...
table of contentsgenusHeydayAutumn bloomers and late bloomersFlowering timeWith the flowering time of the snowdrops, early spring begins every year. While other early bloomers are still far from actually blooming, many a snowdrop bloom is already piercing the snow cover that is still lying on the ground. It is therefore clear: you are announcing the end of winter and getting in the mood for warmer days. That too may be a reason why these plants are so popular with us. However, one question re...
table of contentsHeydaysortsAffect floweringPlanting timeLocationcareExtend flowering timeCountless types of lily show us the full range of colors that nature is capable of. For this, they are valued and planted by garden owners. Its flowers are beautiful and large and, in some varieties, numerous. The scent is also a regular companion. How much time does this wonder of creation take to unfold its full splendor? And do you have to hurry to admire them extensively, or will they stay with us lo...
table of contentsWhen to plant bulbsBelated plantingWarning: daffodil bulbsPlanting distances between flower bulbsPlanting depthOnion sets: Best time to plantOnion set spacingPlanting depth of onion setsfrequently asked QuestionsThe right planting time and plant spacing are of great importance for sprouting bulbs and for the plants to thrive. Here are some helpful tips for planting onions.In a nutshellPlant bulbs mostly in autumnPut onions from spring onwardsPlant spacing depending on the siz...
table of contentsRisk of confusionbotanyinstructionsblossomIn the glasAmaryllis, the knight's star, is one of the most popular subtropical plants in the garden and requires special care throughout the year. Since the main flowering time of the plant is in the middle of winter, a special care program is required in summer, through which the winter flowering plant can collect sufficient nutrients for flowering. This process is called "overwintering" and theoretically represents a second "overwi...
table of contentsHeydayEarly varieties of tulipsMedium varieties of tulipsLate varieties of tulipsNetherlandsHeyday NetherlandsTulips are one of the most popular flowers in our gardens. Every year garden owners wait feverishly for the tulip bloom to begin. Quite a few people also drive to our neighbors in the Netherlands in spring to marvel at the blooming tulip fields. But when exactly do the plants bloom? Does the heyday differ between Germany and Holland? And why are the Dutch so crazy abo...
table of contentsPlanting irisesLocationPlanting irises: instructionsPlant spacingBest planting timeThe iris (iris) is one of the most diverse garden perennials in view of the numerous variations. With their filigree flowers, they are a treat for the eyes. A distinction is made between rhizome and onion iris. While a rhizomiris forms an underground stem axis system (rhizome), the persistence organs of the onion iris consist of tubers, which are incorrectly referred to as onions. It grows in t...
table of contentsDifferent planting timesPlanting time in springPlanting time in summerPlanting time in autumnfrequently asked Questions Flower bulbs not only beautify the waiting time in spring, they also add bright color accents with unusual flower shapes almost all year round. But when is the best time to plant?In a nutshellBulbs are planted at different times of the yearPlanting times in spring, summer and autumnPlant hardy summer bloomers in autumn before frost sets inInsufficient hardy ...
table of contentsHeydayFlowering timeExtend the flowering phaseAfter the flowering phaseWhen ranunculus bloom, an immensely fascinating sea of flowers always unfolds, which makes an impression in every garden. This is one of the reasons why they are so popular with hobby gardeners and in public facilities. the Ranunculus is just fun and pleasing to the eye. It would be nice if you could extend the flowering period. With a few little tricks, that's actually not a big problem. You will defini...
table of contentsThe heyday of March cupsFirst flowering timeMain flowering periodLast bloomEarly floweringPreferred locationsThe Märzenbugs are one of the first signs of spring that can be found in the garden. The decorative plant is also known under the names of the Great Snowdrop or March Bell. Often the first white flowers appear as early as February. Since the spring knot flower wants a slightly Mediterranean climate, it unfortunately does not bloom everywhere in the local latitudes. Whe...
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