Animals In The GardenInsectsWasps

Long-legged wasp: which one is it?

table of contentsLong legs: field waspsOccurrencebehaviorfrequently asked QuestionsA wasp with long legs? The extensive family of the wasps (Vespidae) has a wide variety of species. You can find out what this is in this article.In a nutshelllong-legged wasps are of the subfamily Polistinae, better known as field waspsA total of five species of wasp can be found in the German-speaking countries of Europethe legs hang down when flying, which makes the animals appear a bit awkwardField wasps are...

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Animals In The GardenInsectsWasps

Wasp nest in the house wall: this helps against wasps on the wall

table of contentsWasp nestAny damageClosingFightRecognize nestWait for winterpreventionprotectionIs the actual nesting space for wasps, for example in a roller shutter or a power distribution box, too narrow? then it may well be that they eat their way into the masonry behind and thus their nest enlarge. Even if there is a small hole in the plaster in a house wall, this can certainly be the entrance to a wasp's nest in the wall. How to proceed against such a wasp nest in the house wall is exp...

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Animals In The GardenInsectsWasps

When do wasps leave their nest? The most important "dates"

table of contentsImportant: differentiate between speciesReal wasps (Vespinae)Field wasps (Polistinae)Cuckoo waspsLeaving the nestEarly dissolving speciesLate dissolving speciesOh my godness! You just wanted to get something from your attic and suddenly you encounter a colony of wasps that have nested there. A wasp's nest is something uncomfortable for many people, as the wasps can sting and are considered to be quite aggressive. Here you have the option of removing the nest or waiting for th...

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Animals In The GardenInsectsWasps

Wasps in winter: do they hibernate or die?

table of contentsDo wasps survive the winter?Hibernate: expiry1. Young queens leave the nest2. Fertilization and winter quarters3. Numbness4. Old Queen & Die Colony5. New establishment of the wasp stateDespite their importance to nature, wasps are among the greatest troublemakers for many people. The insect hunters draw attention to themselves, especially towards the end of summer, when they dare to get closer and closer to people's food because their own food sources are dwindling. If a ...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Can grasshoppers fly?

table of contentsGreat biodiversity in Central EuropeDo all grasshoppers have wings?Do you prefer to fly or hop?Flight art within a species differentCommon grasshopper mostly flightlessfrequently asked QuestionsIn summer they happily hop in the grass and delight with their loud chirping. Grasshoppers are real acrobats in the insect kingdom. But can the insects fly? We are investigating this question.In a nutshellOver 20 species of grasshopper and around 100 other species of grasshopper live i...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Native locust species in Germany

table of contentsTypes from A - GTypes of H - OTypes of P - VTypes from W - Zfrequently asked QuestionsGrasshoppers are among the most fascinating insects. About 80 species can be observed in Germany. These include large hay horses, but also smaller grasshoppers and crickets. Get to know 14 native species of grasshopper.In a nutshellmany native locust species are on the red listthe largest deposits are in the south of GermanyA distinction is made between long-sensor terrors (Ensifera) and sho...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Wood lice in the house and in the flower pot: are they harmful?

table of contentsWood lice in the house & flower pothumidityfoodDarknessHarmful or not?Although wood lice are not among the insects belong, they share many behaviors with them. This also means that cellar wood lice are more likely to be found in the house, under the flower pot and in all sorts of other cracks and corners in autumn and winter. The question now rightly arises as to whether Porcellio Scaber, as its scientific name is, is harmful, or whether these are annoying, but ultimately...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Getting rid of ants in the raised bed: what to do

table of contentsPreventive actionMeasures against antsRelocateIncense sticksSpread smellsHerbal solutions and herbal manureBiological meansChemical clubAnts are useful animals, that is undisputed. In the raised bed, however, they are more of a nuisance than useful helpers. And many hobby gardeners know the problem: As soon as the raised bed has been set up and the first plants begin to sprout, the ants appear. They just make their way into the bed and are hard to get rid of. But there are al...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Black caterpillars: identify 16 native species

table of contentsIdentify caterpillarsNoble butterfliesOwl butterfliesCluckStretcherfrequently asked QuestionsDifferent kinds of butterflies have black colored caterpillars. In some species, the black color only shows in a certain caterpillar stage. The dark color helps them to camouflage themselves or to scare off predators.In a nutshelluse distinctive features to identify caterpillarsCaterpillars can vary their color in different stagesthere are many species with black caterpillars among th...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Feeding ladybugs: what do ladybugs eat in winter?

table of contentsLadybug in winterFood intake during hibernationInterruption of hibernationFeeding ladybugshoneyRaisinsHomemade fruit jellyMealworm eggsPureed meat with sugar waterTree bark or dead woodSuitable feed containersTo drinkRest of the procedureLadybirds (Coccinellidae) occur worldwide with around 6,000 species. Not all species have red winglets with black spots. In Germany alone there are around 100 species of ladybirds. The best known is the seven-point ladybug. It can be dangerou...

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