Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Cutting ground cover roses: Instructions for "fairy roses" | care

table of contentsGround cover rosesNo annual pruning necessarytimeCut ground cover rosesinstructionscareLocation and soil conditionsto waterWinter protectionRoses - the "queens of flowers" are at home in almost every garden. They come in different varieties and types. The ground cover roses are very popular. The undisputed classic among them “The Fairy Roses”. They bloom more often and enchant with their small, pink flowers that stand together in umbels. These ground covers are very robust, f...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Fighting black soot in roses: organic home remedies

table of contentsStar sootRecognize illness correctlyConsequences of the fungal attackmeasuresHome remediesPreventive measuresMake horsetail manure yourselfEvery year from early summer to autumn, roses delight us with their delicate blossoms and bewitching scents. With proper care, they can live for many years. However, their bloom can sometimes be damaged or damaged due to different diseases. the plant will die completely. Black-brown spots are very often found on the leaves. In this case, i...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Cutting rambler rose: this is how it works

table of contentsRambler rosesHeydayTime for the cutCutting once-flowering varieties - instructionsCutting multiple blooming varieties - instructionsfrequently asked QuestionsThe rambler rose is the first choice for anyone looking for a fast growing, free flowering rose. When is the right time to prune and what should be considered when pruning the rambler rose?In a nutshellTake into account varietal characteristics when cuttingDifferentiation between single and multiple flowering rambler ros...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Pruning bush roses: in spring or autumn?

table of contentsCut in springCutting instructionsTaper cutCut in autumnfrequently asked QuestionsIn order for bush roses to keep their shape, they have to be pruned each year. The right pruning at the optimal time promotes lush flowering, which in the case of bush roses can last into autumn.In a nutshellSpring is the best time to cutUse cleaned scissorslet three eyes standcut vigorously when taperingonly remove bloomed inflorescences and fruit bunches in autumnCut in springThe best time to c...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Combat & prevent rose rust: 6 home remedies

table of contentsRose rust damage imageRemove infected parts of the plantFight rose rustField horsetail (Equisetum arvense)Garlic (Allium sativum)Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)Worm fern / bracken (Dryopteris / Pteridium)Washing-up liquid and cooking oil mixtureValerian (Valerina officinalis)Prevent rose rustRemove leavesStrengthen rosesfrequently asked QuestionsRose rust is a common and protracted fungal infection. Fighting rust takes patience and the right measures. Natural home remedies are ...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Lice on roses: quick help + 11 simple home remedies

table of contentsLice infestationHome remediesRinse off plantsClassic soapy waterPotato waterVinegar solutionBrews, broths and liquid manureRoses are the pride of every garden owner. In June, the so-called 'Rose Month', the peak of the rose bloom is reached. Despite all their splendor, roses are not immune to lice infestation. In spring they appear out of nowhere and attack the young shoots, leaves and buds. They can multiply explosively in warm and dry weather. This makes it all the more imp...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Combining roses: 40 ideal companion plants

table of contentsPerennials accompanying rosesTrees as companion to rosesAromatic companion plants for rosesfrequently asked QuestionsRoses can be perfectly combined with a variety of plants. You can find out here which plants go best with the popular ornamental plants. You will be presented with 40 different companion plants for roses.In a nutshellVariety of possible companion plants for rosesRose companions visually emphasize the ornamental plantsprotect against pest infestationaesthetic ro...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Transplanting roses: when is the best time? This is how it works

table of contentsRosesTransplantingtimeLocationTransplanting instructionsMove potted rosesMoving roses can be a real challenge depending on the age of the plant. Our easy-to-understand instructions help avoid mistakes and also contain valuable tips!RosesRoses have a particularly long lifespan and adorn the home gardens with their magnificent flowers for many years. It can happen that the plant is simply too big for the current location and has to be replanted. In addition, it is possible that...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Rose planting time: the best time to plant roses

table of contentsProblem planting timeBest time to plantspringsummerautumnconsider the followingBest time to transplantRoses (botanically: pink) are classics among garden plants. They will be available for purchase in stores as early as spring. In many places there are problems with tackling after planting. This may be due to the planting time, if it was chosen incorrectly. Hobby gardeners should know when to plant their specimens so that these rose plants can thrive and enchant beds with cou...

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Garden PlantsRosesWoods

Bald roses: the radical pruning

table of contentstimeUtilsCut back the bald rosesCut back the ground coverCut back climbing rosesfrequently asked QuestionsBald roses are not a pretty sight. The number of flowers steadily decreases while the shoots become longer and weaker. Radical pruning is necessary to save the plants.In a nutshellThe time to cut the roses is a frost-free, dry day in mid-February with extensive cloud coverthe tool used should be disinfected and sharpthe pruning is carried out depending on the correspondin...

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