table of contentsPrefer cucumbersShort preculturePlant out young plantsNo-tillPile upCucumber plants in the potfrequently asked QuestionsCucumbers are an easy crop in the garden. Whether as direct sowing or preculture: under ideal conditions, cucumber seeds have a germination time of a few days. This is how you can pull out cucumbers.In a nutshellPre-culture from mid-AprilPlant out after the last frostHarden off young plants beforehandDirect sowing from mid-MayPile up cucumber plantsPrefer cu...
table of contentssowingPlant seedsSuitable plant neighborsCare instructionsBeddingfrequently asked QuestionsPickling cucumbers can easily be grown over seeds themselves. Hobby gardeners and home growers can find out when, how and what to watch out for here.In a nutshellPickling cucumbers will only germinate in a warm environmentPre-cultivation for earlier harvestno pricking advisedsowingBest sowing dateIn theory, sowing in the garden / vegetable patch can take place as early as April when the...
table of contentspropertiesLocationfloorto waterFertilizeCutSkimmingprevent diseasesExperience with cucamelonfrequently asked QuestionsThe fruits of the Mexican mini cucumber would pass as watermelons in the doll's house. They are a popular snack in the garden. We show what is important when caring for the high-yielding crop.In a nutshellLength of the fruits only two to three centimetersThe taste is similar to that of the cucumberattractive climbing plantsunny location requiredsuitable for bu...
table of contentsPre-breeding materialLocationtimeinstructionsPlanting outOutdoor sowingfrequently asked QuestionsThe small Mexican mini cucumbers (Melothria scabra) not only taste good, they also look very attractive. They are very easy to grow, both under glass and outdoors.In a nutshellthe Mexican mini cucumber belongs to the cucurbit familythey love warmth and are not frost hardyGrowing is easyPre-breeding or direct sowing possiblePlant needs climbing supportPre-breeding materialYou will ...
table of contentsCucumber plant leaves the leaves droopingCucumber wiltPrevent cucumber wiltThe right locationWatering to prevent limp leavesLess damage from resilient cucumber speciesThe useful plants are actually uncomplicated to look after and bring with them a plentiful harvest. We are talking about the cucumber, a plant from the cucurbit family. Every now and then, however, damage to the plant can occur, which often affects the leaves. The cause is usually a disease called cucumber wilt....
table of contentsKiwano plantMultiplicationAttachment optionstimeLocationWatering & fertilizingClimbing aidsCutDiseases and pestsharvestuseexperienceKiwano and horn cucumber. The first word resonates with the exotic, arouses curiosity. The second word, on the other hand, does not suggest anything special. In fact, it is the same plant. Instead of names, we should let pictures speak for themselves. Or even better: nibble on the prickly fruit. Their origin is in Africa. But their seeds also...
table of contentsLemon cucumberMultiplicationSubstratecareTo harvestDiseasesPlanting partnerfrequently asked QuestionsIf you soon see roundish yellow fruits on climbing plants in your garden neighbors, it could be lemon cucumbers. The yellow ones Cucumber are an eye-catcher in the garden and taste wonderfully exotic.In a nutshellLemon cucumber grows trailingLemon-sized fruits that change color from green to yellow as they ripenfresh cucumber flavorhigh yieldCan be grown in a greenhouse or out...
table of contentsGrow pickling cucumbersProcedure: prefer pickling cucumbersPlanting outfrequently asked QuestionsCucumbers are relatively easy to care for in cultivation. Many know that cucumbers can be preferred in the greenhouse or at home. But is it also possible to prefer pickling cucumbers?In a nutshellin principle any type of cucumber is suitable as a pickling cucumberCan be pulled outdoors about 3 weeks before sowingPlant 2 to 3 seeds about 1 to 2 cm deep in a pot of soilGrow pickling...
table of contentsCucumbers taste bitterBitter cucurbitacinReasons for bitternessDangerous toxicity?Cucumbers are sourPurchased cucumbers usually do not taste bitter, but those who have planted the tasty vegetables in their own garden will notice that one or the other cucumber can taste bitter or sour. It is difficult to understand that your own plants from the garden do not offer tasty and edible fruits, although everything was done correctly in terms of care. But where does this taste come f...
blooming cucumbers, but do not develop fruitstable of contentscauseswatertemperaturepollinationCucumbers from the cucurbit family have been cultivated for more than 3000 years. Today they are among the most commonly grown vegetables. There are varieties that are grown exclusively outdoors and those that are mainly grown in the greenhouse. From a botanical point of view, cucumbers are a berry. They are cultivated on trellises or lying on the ground. Occasionally it can happen that cucumber pla...
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