Bearskin GrassFlowers And Perennials

Cutting, planting & caring for bearskin grass

Bearskin grass is a low-maintenance ground cover. Planted in the right location, it gives your garden structure and is a compatible plant neighbor.Bearskin fescue is a popular, easy-care ornamental grass [Photo: COULANGES/]The bearskin grass (Festuca gautieri, outdated f scoparia) is a member of the fescue genus (Festuca) Proper, filigree, evergreen ornamental grass that requires little maintenance. The fine, needle-shaped leaves grow so close together that they resemble an a...

  • 17-Mar-2022
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Beard FlowerFlowers And Perennials

Bearded Beard: Location, Hardiness & Propagation

The beard flower immediately catches the eye, especially with its bright blue flowers. It gives off a pleasant scent that also attracts bees and bumblebees.The beard flower makes a great addition to the garden [Photo: Moskwa/]The Beardflower (caryopteris) is a popular and easy-care ornamental plant for the garden. We show you how to plant them correctly and present the most beautiful varieties. There are also tips for successful hibernation.contentsBeard flower: flowering tim...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Planting lavender in a pot: tips for the balcony and terrace

Not everyone has room for large lavender hedges. Luckily, you can also plant lavender in pots on the patio or balcony. We reveal how it works.Lavender is not only ideal for growing in beds [Photo: Annie Shropshire/]lavender (Lavandula) grows in its original home rather on barren, nutrient-poor soil and therefore makes only low demands on it during cultivation. If you only have little space available, the sun-loving subshrub can therefore also be grown very well in a pot. Duri...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Lavender: Toxic or Edible?

Many people are concerned with the question of whether the intensively scented lavender is edible or poisonous to cats, dogs or humans. We clarify.Lavender is poisonous to some pets [Photo: Chendongshan/]lavender (Lavandula) is a wonderfully smelling herb with a wide range of uses. And many hobby gardeners would certainly like to have their own lavender bush for the garden or balcony. Usually, however, concerns quickly arise as to whether lavender might not be poisonous to ch...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Caring for lavender: tips for ideal care

Even if lavender is quite frugal, it needs a little care from time to time. Here you can find out what needs to be considered when cutting, fertilizing and watering.The optimal care of the lavender is important for a rich bloom [Photo: freya-photographer/]All species of the genus Lavandula originally come from the Mediterranean region. lavender meanwhile, however, it also feels at home in more northern countries and can be found in many domestic gardens. However, an adequate ...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Lavender: tips for a long flowering period

Lavender captivates above all with its lush purple flowers. You can find out here how to keep this flower for as long as possible and how to extend the flowering period.No garden should be without lavender [Photo: NAPA/]The heyday of lavenders (Lavandula) is in the summer months from July to August. While lavender opens its flowers in its original home, the warm Mediterranean region, as early as May, we unfortunately usually have to wait a little longer. However, some lavende...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Hardy lavender: These varieties survive the winter

Lavender is associated with warm temperatures, but there are some hardy species and varieties that also survive our winters. We introduce them.Lavender originally comes from the Mediterranean region, but some varieties survive our winter [Photo: Maria Uspenskaya/]The genus lavender (lavender) belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae) and includes around 30 different species. the True lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) and the spike lavender (Lavendula latifolia) are of the greate...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Buy lavender: Advice & sources of supply

Since the sowing of lavender is rather laborious, it is usually worth buying a lavender plant. We give tips and show what you should pay attention to.Buying a lavender plant is more worthwhile than sowing it [Photo: ingehogenbijl/]lavender (Lavandula) is a very popular garden plant that should not be missing in any herb garden. During the gardening season you will find the Mediterranean herb in almost every garden center and nursery. There are both mature plants and young pla...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Lavender tree: Lavender as a tree for beds and pots

When you think of lavender, you probably think of wide beds full of purple flowers. We show that lavender can also be planted as a tree in beds and pots.A standard lavender is guaranteed to draw everyone's attention [Photo: H-AB Photography/]The Lavender Tree (Lavandula) can hardly be found in domestic gardens. The designation as a tree or perennial is actually nonsense in this context, because botanically, lavender is one of the subshrubs. These naturally lignify with increa...

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LavenderFlowers And Perennials

Watering lavender: When & how much is needed?

Lavender is adapted to the Mediterranean climate and requires little water. You can find out here what you should still bear in mind when watering lavender.When lavender is watered properly, its scent and purple flowers are an asset to any garden [Photo: Jeanette Dietl/]lavender (Lavandula) is relatively undemanding in cultivation and easy to care for. However, the Mediterranean herb does not tolerate cold and moisture well. In the worst case, waterlogging can cause the roots...

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