Vegetable Garden

Artichokes overwinter in pots and outdoors

table of contentsHibernate in the bucketWinter protection outdoorsPrepare for springfrequently asked QuestionsThis popular vegetable is characterized by its thistle-like appearance. It is a real asset to the vegetable garden in many ways. Due to their lack of winter hardiness, artichokes (Cynara cardunculus) hibernate accordingly.In a nutshellcan be cultivated for several years if properly overwinteredWintering outdoors and indoors is possibleVarieties also differ in frost hardinessonly parti...

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Vegetable Garden

Prefer chard and prick out: this is how it works

table of contentsPrefer Swiss chardPrick or Pardon?Planting outfrequently asked QuestionsSwiss chard (Beta vulgaris) can be sown from April. As early as March, young plants can be planted for an earlier Chard harvest prefer. How this works and whether you need to prick out Swiss chard can be found in our guide.In a nutshellAdvance possible from MarchIf possible, spread the seeds in individual growing potsensure a warm and humid climatedon't prick, but forgivePlant out from the end of AprilPre...

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Vegetable Garden

14 Fruits, fruits and vegetables with a "V" at the beginning

table of contentsFruit with "V"Vegetables, spices and other fruitsColored vegetables with "V"frequently asked QuestionsFruits, vegetables and other fruits with a “V” at the beginning are difficult to find. In addition, many of the variants are not edible at all or are only used as a spice.In a nutshellFood and the garden are enrichedColors can be usedList contains numerous unknown varietiesnot all fruits are edible for humansespecially important knowledge for gamesFruit with "V"Fruits that be...

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Vegetable Garden

Tuber vegetables: 25 edible & local varieties

table of contentsTuber vegetables from A to I.from J to Kfrom L to Pfrom Q to Rfrom S to Vfrom U from Zfrequently asked QuestionsA healthy diet can be ideally achieved through edible and local tuber vegetables. Numerous species and varieties are cultivated in Central Europe, which you can find in the following list.In a nutshellPrimary sprouts form storage organsmake shape of tuber vegetablesedible and local tuber vegetables are extremely healthyListed tuber vegetables suitable for self-culti...

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PumpkinVegetable Garden

Harvesting butternut squash: when is it ripe?

table of contentstimeMaturity characteristicsharvestPost-ripeningstoragefrequently asked QuestionsThe butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata) with its characteristic shape and the mild, buttery-tasting flesh is one of the most popular pumpkins. But how do you know when a pumpkin weighing up to one kilogram is ripe?In a nutshellHarvest period between July and the beginning of OctoberHarvest before the first frost if possibleripe pumpkins: yellow skin, woody stemunripe pumpkins: greenish-yellow g...

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Vegetable Garden

24 Fruits, fruits and vegetables with a "C" at the beginning

table of contentsFruit with CVegetables with COther fruitsfrequently asked QuestionsFruits, vegetables and fruits of other plants that start with the letter C hardly anyone can think of. There are numerous options in the large selection.In a nutshellboth domestic and exotic plantsFruits from other plants can also be usedVegetables offer the largest selectionIn terms of variety names, apples have numerous optionsExpanding knowledge can also enrich the menuFruit with CAfter a little thought, yo...

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Vegetable Garden

Sowing: what else can you plant in September?

table of contentsSow in SeptemberPlants from A to Mfrom N to ZPlanting in SeptemberPlants from A to Kfrom L to Zfrequently asked QuestionsPlanting and sowing in September is easy if you choose the right varieties and pay attention to a few points. We show what is important.In a nutshellFlowers, vegetables and fruits can be plantedFlower bulbs can be stuck in wonderfullyPlanting and sowing is possiblechoose late varietiesWinter varieties benefit from late sowingSow in SeptemberFor growing from...

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Vegetable Garden

Is the bovist edible or poisonous?

table of contentsEdible giant bovistHarvest only young specimensLikelihood of confusionInedible bovistefrequently asked QuestionsDuring a walk through nature, with a bit of luck, you can sometimes spot football-sized, white mushrooms without a stalk. These tasty edible mushrooms are Boviste. But be careful: not all Boviste are edible.In a nutshellyoung giant bovets ediblemust have white, firm flesh (inside and outside)stop eating if they have turned browneasily confused with young death cap m...

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PotatoesVegetable Garden

Crop rotation: what after planting potatoes?

table of contentsPotatoes unsuitableCrop rotation after early potatoesCrop rotation after late potatoesfrequently asked QuestionsThe crop rotation is important in order to make the best possible use of the vegetable patch and to achieve the best possible harvest yields. Especially with potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) there are a few things to consider and the right plants to be planted.In a nutshellPotatoes fall under heavy eatersDifferences between early and late potatoesNever plant potatoes ag...

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Vegetable Garden

How many mushrooms can you collect? What is allowed?

table of contentsto pick mushroomsHow many mushrooms can you collect?What is allowed?frequently asked QuestionsChanterelles, porcini mushrooms, mushrooms... Mushrooms along the way are often a tempting offer. But how many mushrooms can you collect? And what is actually allowed when collecting mushrooms? We'll enlighten you.In a nutshellregulated by the Federal Nature Conservation Act, the Federal Species Protection Act and state forest lawsCollect small amounts for personal useprotected mushr...

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