
Bee Friendly Flowers: 15 flowers for bees

Many flowers look nice, but they don't help the bee. We present 15 bee-friendly flowers that buzzers will love.Many flowers not only look beautiful, but also provide the bees with important food [Photo: Daniel Prudek/]The support of bees is a matter of the heart for many gardeners, because the hard-working helpers not only produce the delicious honey, but also, as pollinators, make an important contribution to the spread and continued existence of numerous plant species. So t...

  • 19-Mar-2022
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Bee-Friendly Plants: Top 10

Certain plants not only beautify your garden, they also provide bees and other insects with food and a suitable habitat. We introduce you to 10 bee-friendly plants for the home garden.We at Plantura have collected a selection of the most bee-friendly plants for you! The list should help you to make your garden paradise attractive for the hard-working nectar collectors. Then bees in the garden not only convey a romantic country idyll, they are also relevant for our ecosystems. Here you can rem...

  • 19-Mar-2022
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10 tips for a bee paradise in your own garden

bee deaths? Not with us! With these ten tips, you can turn your garden into a paradise for the busy bees without much effort.Make your garden a bee paradise too! [Photo: Paulo Melo7]The death of bees is on everyone's lips. More and more of the small insects are disappearing because they can neither find food nor a place to live in big cities and agricultural deserts. But many gardens are also not bee-friendly and offer neither retreats nor sources of nutrients. The hard-worki...

  • 19-Mar-2022
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