Planting cultivated blueberries »A little planting guide

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What size are cultivated blueberries usually planted?

the sowing has at Cultivated blueberries practically of no importance, since cheap plants of high-yielding cultivars are easy to get in specialist shops. Usually these are planted at a height of around 30 to 50 centimeters in the garden and they then usually bear their first fruits in the following year.

also read

  • Harvest blueberries with cultivated blueberries in your own garden
  • Propagate cultivated blueberries in the garden yourself
  • Fertilize cultivated blueberries in the garden

Which is the right location for cultivated blueberries?

In contrast to the blueberry bushes native to the forest in this country, those from North America like it Cultivated blueberries quite sunny. However, care should be taken to ensure that the soil has an acidic pH value between 4.0 and 5.0. Planting in rows has proven itself to be an optimal use of space; a hedge made of blueberries can also enrich your garden.

How are the bushes planted?

If the soil has already been prepared with an acidic substrate, the planting hole for the shallow-rooted blueberries is more wide than deep. When planted in

garden can also be a gentler one Slow release fertilizer how Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) be mixed in. However, you should avoid all types of fertilizer that contain a lot of lime or disturb the acidic environment of the soil.

Can larger blueberry bushes still be replanted?

In general, larger blueberry bushes will survive transplanting well if done in the fall. If necessary, however, one should relieve the plant balance Cut back carried out and the floor on the new Location can be controlled for its acidic pH.

How do you propagate cultivated blueberries?

In the case of blueberries, propagation via cuttings is relatively uncomplicated and faster than growing from seeds. To do this, the following steps must be carried out:

  • cutting branches about 10 to 15 centimeters long in the fall
  • the deep insertion into a substrate with little lime
  • Even moisture, possibly favored by a foil cover or greenhouse

When is the harvest time for cultivated blueberries?

Cultivated blueberries ripen between the beginning of July and the beginning of September. Usually each shrub bears fully ripe and still white-green fruits at the same time.

What distance should be kept between cultivated blueberries?

Since cultivated blueberries can grow up to 2.5 or 3 meters high, a lateral distance of at least 1.5 meters between the bushes should also be maintained in the row. The rows should be about 2.5 meters apart so that they remain passable for maintenance and harvesting work.

Tips & Tricks

You can extend the harvest time of your blueberries if they ripen early and late sorts mix in the same location.

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