Japanese lavender heather ∗ The 10 best care and planting tips

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Planting Japanese lavender heather correctly

So that the picturesque appearance of shadow bells succeeds all around, set the course with the right planting. Look out for a partially shaded location with loose, slightly acidic, and not overly nutritious soil. How to proceed properly:

  • Dig a pit with twice the volume of the root ball
  • Fill the shadow bell and insert it in the middle
  • Bury the root ball with pure rhododendron or bog soil
  • Alternatively, half of the excavation can be enriched with acidic leaf and needle compost

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  • Japanese lavender heather: Being toxic is in her blood
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Put Japanese Lavender heather as deep as it was previously cared for in the nursery pot. Finally, pour generously with collected rainwater.

Care tips

Japanese lavender heather plays out the full range of her strengths when she is given this care:

  • Never let the root area dry out
  • Use only water with little lime
  • Fertilize organically every 2-3 weeks from March to July
  • Clean up dead flowers
  • Perform main pruning in June / July

Regardless of the winter hardiness, a light winter protection has proven itself for shadow bells. A layer of leaves on the root disc and a hood made of breathable fleece protect the beauty of the flowers from the rigors of a harsh winter.
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Which location is suitable?

They play all the trumps for shadow bells when the location is under partially shaded light conditions. Under the blazing sun as well as in permanent shade, you will have less fun with the ornamental wood. So that the pretty flower pile is not disheveled by the spring wind, we recommend a sheltered location in front of a wall or in the security of towering rhododendrons.

The correct planting distance

While other ornamental trees mainly strive upwards, the shadow bell gains width at the same time. Pay attention to this fact when choosing the planting distance. With a height and width of 30-50 cm, the adequate distance is 40 cm. If the lavender heather stretches 80-100 cm in height and width, you are right with a distance of 90 cm. To form a dense hedge out of shadow bells, shorten these values ​​by a third.

What soil does the plant need?

If the earth fulfills the following criteria, you offer the shadow bell ideal conditions for a colorful shoot, a rich bloom and a shiny green leaf dress:

  • Permeable, humus and poor in nutrients
  • Fresh, moist and loose, without the risk of waterlogging
  • Acid pH from 4.2 to 5.5

When is the flowering time?

The main bloom of shadow bells extends over the months of April and May. Depending on the weather, you can look forward to the first bell blossoms as early as March in mild years, which will attract everyone's attention until June. So that the flowers do not run out of breath prematurely, cut off withered inflorescences regularly.

How to cut Japanese lavender heather correctly

With an annual increase of 5 to 15 cm, the growth of shadow bells runs in calm paths. Nevertheless, we recommend an annual shape and maintenance pruning so that the bushy, compact habit and the abundant abundance of flowers are preserved. How to properly prune lavender heather:

  • Cut off dead flowers to make room for a second bloom
  • Shorten shoots that are too long immediately after the end of the flowering period
  • Make each incision just above an outward-facing, sleeping eye
  • Thoroughly thin out the wood by cutting off dead wood at the base

Please consider the high level of toxicity and wear protective gloves and long-sleeved clothing.

Watering Japanese lavender heather

Do not let a shadow bell thirst, because in the event of drought stress the ornamental wood sheds its evergreen foliage indignantly. Water as soon as the surface of the earth has dried at any time of the year. In spring and summer this may be necessary every day, while in winter it is necessary to water every 1 to 2 weeks if there is no snow. Only use lime-free water in order to take the acidic pH value into account.

Fertilize Japanese lavender heather properly

If you pamper the shadow bell with an organic fertilizer every 14 days from March to July, the nutrient balance is in balance. In the bucket, lavender heather is happy to receive a dose of liquid fertilizer according to the dosage instructions. Avoid giving nitrogen-stressed, mineral fertilizers, as this admittedly promotes leaf growth, which is at the expense of the abundance of flowers.


The shadow bell is prepared for up to - 23 degrees Celsius. Since the distinctive ornamental wood already creates its buds in autumn and wears its green foliage throughout winter, we nevertheless recommend the following protective measures:

  • Pile up the root disc thickly with leaves and needles
  • Cover the sensitive branches with fleece or jute
  • Water a little on frost-free days

Buckets are placed on a block of wood in front of the south wall of the house and covered with bubble wrap. The substrate is covered with leaves or peat dust. As in the bed, a breathable fleece hat is beneficial to protect the buds.

Japanese lavender heather propagate

In order to grow more specimens of a Japanese lavender heather, the following methods are available for the hobby garden:

  • Cut cuttings 15 cm long, defoliate half of the leaves, place in poor substrate and let root
  • In spring, score half-lignified sinkers in the middle, dig in at this point until roots form

A constant supply of low-lime water is important for the rooting to proceed successfully. You can choose to plant the young shade bells in autumn of the same year or maintain them throughout the winter in order to plant particularly strong young plants from May.

Is Japanese lavender heather poisonous?

The shadow bell is bulging with poisonous ingredients that can have fatal consequences for humans and animals. Skin contact with the sap results in severe irritation and even skin dermatitis. The consumption of flowers, leaves and fruits causes nausea, vomiting, palpitations and even fatal circulatory collapse. Always wear gloves and long-sleeved clothing when planting and maintaining. Do not settle lavender heather within the reach of children and pets without proper safety precautions.
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Yellow leaves

With yellow leaves, the shadow bell reacts to hard irrigation water. The calcium content in tap water causes leaf chlorosis in Japanese lavender heather, the visible symptom of which is yellow leaves with clearly visible green leaf veins. Cut off the diseased leaves and water immediately with collected rainwater or pond water.

Nice varieties

  • Red Mill: Furious red shoots of the evergreen foliage with creamy white flowers from April; Height of growth 130 cm
  • Katsura: Robust variety that sets impressive accents with its wine-red shoots; Growth height 80-100 cm
  • Flamingo: Purple bell flowers over evergreen, glossy leaves from March to May; Height 100-120 cm
  • Variegata: Fantastically beautiful shadow bells with creamy white variegated leaves; Growth height up to 100 cm